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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Wilmington"

Crooked Billet

NCC-247: In 1684, William Penn deeded this property to Adam Stedham, who built a small two-room stone house on the land. Stedham’s son, William, expanded the house into the Crooked Billet Tavern in 1702. George Washington and his troops stopped at the tavern on September 9, 1777, before facing the British at the Battle of […]

St. Helena Roman Catholic Church

“St. Helena R. C. Church, located on Bellefonte Ave. just off the Phila. Pike, was built in 1936. The church was dedicated on Nov. 22, 1936, by Bishop Edmond J. FitzMaurice, assisted by the Rev. John J. Dougherty and other priests. A procession marched around the church as the Bishop blessed the four corners of […]

Wilmington Manor Methodist Church

“Wilmington Manor Methodist Church was founded on June 3, 1945. The first meetings were held in the roller-skating rink. A church site at Du Pont Highway and Roosevelt Boulevard was secured on Feb. 7-23, 1946. Ground was broken for the new church on Sun., Mar. 17, 1946: The ceremonies were in charge of the Rev. […]

Brandywine Village and The Road to Yorktown

NCC-246: On September 4-7, 1781, residents of Brandywine Village watched as thousands of American and French troops marched through their community along the King’s Highway on their way to Yorktown, Virginia. The combined forces, under the commands of Generals Washington and Rochambeau, nearly quadrupled the size of Wilmington while they camped on the outskirts of […]

Greenhill Presbyterian Church

“Greenhill Presbyterian Church is located to the south of the Kennett Pike just beyond the Wilmington city limits. It was organized in the fall of 1844 at the home of Alex. Stephens, by members of the Rockland Presbyterian Church. The first meetings were held in the Brandywine Lyceum which they rented. The church was formally […]

North Baptist Church

“North Baptist Church is located on Lincoln St., near Delaware Ave. Philip McDowell had coopershops located on the present site of the State Armory. He made barrels for the flour millers located on the Brandywine Creek. A small village surrounded these shops and it was called McDowellville. Mr. McDowell built a small chapel on the […]

Small Manuscript Collections, George Fisher Collection, Photographs

George Mifflin Fisher I was born to William T. Fisher and Rebecca (Smith) Fisher in Baltimore, Maryland, on February 23, 1845. As an adult, Fisher was a businessman and partnered with Jakes and Company before being elected State Treasurer in 1920. Fisher served in this position until his death on November 8, 1922. Fisher was […]

Site of General Weedon’s Foray at Spring Grove

NCC-264: On September 8, 1777, General George Washington and his Continentals were pursuing British forces headed north along Limestone Road to seize Philadelphia following the Battle of Cooch’s Bridge. General George Weedon advanced his Continental brigade to a hillside east of Mill Creek at what is now known as Spring Grove. British forces advanced to […]

Hillcrest Methodist Church

“Hillcrest Methodist Church (M.E.) A Methodist Society was formed at Hillcrest in 1909 and a temporary tabernacle was built. The site for a church was donated on Apr. 3, 1912, by Martin Beadenkopf. The ground was broken for a new church on Mar. 1, 1913, by Dist. Supt. E. L. Hoffecker and the Rev. Thomas […]

The Chapel of St. Theresa

“The Chapel of St. Theresa, the Little Flower, R. C. On Feb. 11, 1927, St. Patrick’s Church purchased former public school No. 26 at 14th and Thatcher Sts. An addition was built to form a vestibule for the chapel. The first Mass was celebrated by the Rev. James L. McSweeney. A parochial school is conducted […]