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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "churches"

Wyoming Methodist Church

Photo Gallery: Resources Related to Wyoming, DE: Text Source:

Dickerson African Methodist Episcopal Church

Photo Gallery: Resources about Millsboro, DE: Text Source:

St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church (St. Patrick Roman Catholic Church)

“St. Patrick’s R. C. Church is located on the s. e. cor. of 15th and King Sts. The site was purchased by Dennis J. Menton from Henry Danby on Oct. 9, 1880. The first Mass was said, in a frame shed which stood in the present school-yard, on July 3, 1881. The corner-stone of the […]

Big Union African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church

Photo Gallery: Resources about Frederica, DE: Text Source:

St. Peter’s P. E. Church

Photo Gallery: Resources related to Lewes, DE: The Court House at Georgetown, the new County seat, being nearly completed, the Commissioners advertised the Court House at Lewes for sale. It was purchased on Oct. 18, 1791, by Thomas MclIlvain, carpenter, for 85 pounds. He sold the building to a group of Lewes citizens on Feb. […]

Church Records

If you would like a copy of this original record, send an email to with all the information provided and you will receive a price quote from the Research Room within 10 business days. If you would like to view the document please bring in all the information relating to the document to the […]