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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Historical Markers"

R.T. Foard & Jones Funeral Home

NC-116: originally installed in 2001. Completed in 1886, this was the home and place of business of Theodore F. Armstrong, a prominent local merchant and civic leader. Reflecting the growing prosperity of the community and its residents, this hybrid of Queen Anne and Gothic architecture is a fine example of the splendor and flamboyance of […]

Kentmere Parkway

NC-109: originally installed in 2000.   This 14.7-acre strip of land, connecting Rockford Park and Grove with Brandywine Park, was designed by famed American landscape architect Frederick Law Olmstead. The land was donated by two Wilmington businessman, William M. Fields and William Poole Bancroft, the latter known as the father of the Wilmington park system. […]

Ebenezer United Methodist Church

NC-104: originally installed in 1999. The first meetings of this congregation were held in the homes of its members. In 1824 a stone church building was erected at this location. The growth of the congregation resulted in the replacement of the original building by a one-story frame structure in 1859. Formerly a part of the […]

St. Mary’s Church

Site of first Catholic church in Delaware, usually called “Coffee Run” Church. Land purchased 1772 by Rev. Matthias Manners. First church erected shortly thereafter. Last church, erected by Rev. Patrick Kenny, remained standing until 1908. Services discontinued in 1884 upon erection of churches at Hockessin and Ashland. NCC-032: Installed in 1933. Marker Photo Gallery: Resources […]

Fort Saulsbury

Constructed in 1917 as a coastal defense fortification of the U. S. Army. Named for Willard Saulsbury, U. S. Senator from Delaware 1859-71. Two batteries were located within the fort, each with two 12-inch gun emplacements. The north battery was named for Col. David Hall and the south for Col. John Haslet, heroes of the […]

The Studley House

SC-229: originally installed on 10/24/2012. In the 1830s the oldest portion of this structure, a one-room house, is believed to have been built. The house was enlarged significantly in the 1850s with the addition of a slightly taller story-and-a-half center portion and a full two-story section. A shed room was attached to the back of […]

Sand Hill Church

SC-225: originally installed in 2008. Methodism first came to this area in the late 18th century when circuit-riding preachers traveled through the countryside spreading the message of their faith. For a number of years, residents of this neighborhood worshipped in local homes and journeyed to nearby towns to attend services. On March 25, 1859, Dr. […]

Site of Reynold’s Church

SC-222: On October 14, 1869, a group of local residents gathered for the purpose of organizing and electing trustees for a Methodist Protestant church near Reynolds Mills. The following month, land was obtained to serve as a site for a house of worship. Construction was completed in 1870, but the building was destroyed by fire […]

Delaware Railroad

SC-218: originally installed in 2007. From the earliest days of rail construction in this country, the advantages of linking the Delmarva Peninsula to the expanding urban markets of the nation were obvious. In 1836 the General Assembly chartered the Delaware Railroad for the purpose of building a line from a junction with the New Castle […]

Milton Museum

SC-217: originally installed in 2007. On October 22, 1857, land at this location was conveyed to members of the Methodist Protestant Church. Construction of a house of worship was completed soon thereafter. The congregation consisted largely of persons who were employed in the community’s booming maritime and commercial economy. An expansion and rebuilding project was […]