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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Historical Markers"

Bethel Church

NC-56. Site of Bethel Church, a branch of Welsh Tract Baptist Church at the foot of Iron Hill. Originated about 1780 by Rev. John Boggs at the house of David Morton. Church erected 1786 at instance of Messrs. Porter and Lewden. Land donated by Andrew and Ebenezer Morton. Services discontinued about 1871.    


General Lafayette enroute to Virginia, to command expedition against Benedict Arnold, landed 1500 troops here, with cannon, stores, and ammunition, March 2, 1781. Council of Maryland issued warrant to impress carriages, teams and drivers for his use at Christiana Bridge and vessels, hands, etc., at Head of Elk. NC-51: Installed in 1932. Marker Photo Gallery: […]

Caesar Rodney’s Camp 1777

NC-48.   In this vicinity was the Noxentown camp of Delaware militia under command of Caesar Rodney, September 1777, when British under Howe invaded northern Delaware from Head of Elk on their march to Philadelphia. From near here, Caesar Rodney was in correspondence with Washington before and after Battle of Brandywine.  

Washington Dined Here

NC-45. This house during Revolution was known as Buck or Carson’s Tavern. George Washington stopped here several times. His diary September 3, 1774, states: “Dined at Buck Tavern (Carson’s) and lodged at New Castle.” The Hessian general, Knyphausen, had headquarters here September 2, 1777.   Location: 501 Old Summit Bridge Rd, Middletown, DE 19709

Aiken’s Tavern

NC-43: installed in 1932. In the years prior to the Revolutionary War, John Aiken commenced the operation of a tavern and storehouse at this location near the intersection of two of the major roadways of the Delmarva Peninsula. Aided by their proximity to this important crossroads, Aiken’s businesses prospered and a small village was established […]

Welsh Tract Church

NC-40. One-fourth mile southwest is old Welsh Tract Primative Baptist Meeting House. Congregation organized in Wales, 1701, settled here, 1703. A cannon ball passed through Meeting House during Battle of Cooch’s Bridge, September 3, 1777.   Location: 2.5 mi. S. of Newark W. side of Newark to Middletown Rd. at Intersection of Baptist Church Rd. […]

Welsh Tract

NC-39. Northern boundary line of tract of thirty thousand acres granted to Welsh by William Penn, 1701. It included what is now Pencader Hundred, Delaware, and a part of Cecil County, Maryland.   Location: West side of hwy .7 mi. South of Main St. on College Avenue (Depot Road) Newark, DE 19713

The Wedge

NC-37. The wedge-shaped tract, west of Maryland and Delaware curve, consists of approximately 800 acres of land. for more than a century, the property was claimed by Pennsylvania but governed by Delaware. In 1889, a joint commission appointed from both states awarded it to Delaware. This decision was ratified by Pennsylvania in 1897, by Delaware […]

Washington’s Earthworks

NCC-33: From September 4-9, 1777, approximately 11,000 men under the command of General George Washington encamped on the grounds of what later became Delcastle Technical High School. The American army occupied a strong defensive position on the east side of Red Clay Creek between Newport, Stanton, and Marshallton, and blocked the British army’s route to […]

New Castle & Frenchtown Railroad

Built 1832. One of first railroads in country. Extended from this point to Frenchtown on the Elk River. Important connecting link between the North and South. Absorbed by Delaware Railroad 1856. NCC-26. Installed in 1932. Marker Photo Gallery: Resources Related to New Castle, DE: Location: 2 Delaware Street, New Castle, DE 19720 Links to more […]