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“Marshallton Methodist Church (M.E.). In 1885, Union Sabbath School was organized just outside of Marshallton by Wm, A. Mullen, Richard H. Williams and George M. Bennett. Meetings were held in the schoolhouse with Wm. A. Mullen as Superintendent. This was an undenominational effort. On July 12, 1886, a plot of land was purchased from Edwin J. Cranston. A frame chapel was built and it was dedicated, in 1887, with the name “Union Church.” On Feb. 10, 1888, the property was sold to the Union M. E. Church of Marshallton. It was dedicated to the service of Methodism on Mar. 4, 1888. More land was acquired on Mar. 1, 1893 and on May 24, 1922. On July 3, 1922, the name was changed to “Marshallton M. E. Church” by the trustees.

The church was rebuilt and enlarged. The corner-stone was laid on Sat., July 29, 1922, at 3 P. M., by the Rev. J. D. C. Hanna, D.D. He was assisted by the Rev. J. P. Otis and the Rev. Ivanhoe Willis, the pastor. A supper, given by the Ladies’ Aid Society, followed the ceremony with U. S. Senator L. Heisler Ball, presiding. The church was dedicated on Sun. evening, Nov. 26, 1922, by the Rev. Robert Watt, assisted by the pastor. The Rev. Carlisle L. Hubbard preached at the afternoon service. In 1940, extensive improvements were made to the building and furnishings including the installation of oil heat.

Early in 1947 plans were outlined and subscriptions started for the erection of a church-house. It will include Sunday School rooms, recreation rooms and facilities for the social activities of the congregation.

The parsonage lot was purchased on Sept. 26, 1914 from Wm. A. Mullen. The parsonage was completed April 30, 1915.” (1)

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Text Source:

1. Frank R. Zebley, The Churches of Delaware, Wilmington, Delaware, 1947, p. 131

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