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“Greenhill Presbyterian Church is located to the south of the Kennett Pike just beyond the Wilmington city limits. It was organized in the fall of 1844 at the home of Alex. Stephens, by members of the Rockland Presbyterian Church. The first meetings were held in the Brandywine Lyceum which they rented. The church was formally established on June 5, 1848. The corner-stone of the present church was laid on Nov. 15, 1848. It was dedicated on Sept. 14, 1851, by the Rev. Wm. Blackwood. A two-story frame manse was built in 1856. On May 6, 1857, additional land was bought from John Wood.

A large remodeling job was done in the early 1870’s at which time the pointed roof was added. In 1897, the gallery and the old box-pews were removed and the two sides aisles were changed to one center aisle. A reopening service was held on Sept. 26, 1897, at which time the Rev. W. C. Cattell, D.D., LL.D., was the guest preacher, with the pastor, the Rev. Edwin W. Long, in charge.

In 1936, extensive renovations took place. The stained glass windows were replaced with a plain translucent glass. The chancel was done over with a dark panelling and a new pulpit and reredos were installed. A rededication service was held on Oct. 25, 1936, in which the pastor, the Rev. Harley B. Kline was assisted by the Rev. Charles L. Candee, D.D., and the Rev. J. Her-rick Darling, Moderator of the New Castle Presbytery. A new Hammond organ was dedicated on Sun., Apr. 7, 1946 by the Rev. J. Edward Paul, the pastor.

The church stands in the center of a large cemetery. Close to the entrance is a small grave with a headstone inscribed: “Unknown drummer boy 1861-63.” During the Civil War this boy arrived along the Brandywine with his troops. During the time they were stationed here the boy was taken care of by Mrs. John Moore of Walker’s Banks. Sometime later he was killed in battle and his body was brought here for interment. The headstone was contributed by John Windett, a marble cutter, from the Banks of the Brandywine. An Ameri-can flag is kept flying over the grave at all times by the sexton, who takes great pride in keeping the grave in fine condition. The oldest inscription the writer could find is on a memorial to Lydia Love who died on Sept. 19, 1817. This is undoubtedly a reinterment.” (1)

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Text Source:

1. Frank R. Zebley, The Churches of Delaware, Wilmington, Delaware, 1947, p. 127.

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