Women's Vote Centennial

Passed on 3/28/19, Delaware HCR 21 celebrates Delaware's observance of the centennial of the passage and ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States providing for women’s suffrage. Resolution 21 calls on the Delaware Heritage Commission to organize meaningful events and exhibits to honor the 100th anniversary and establish a subcommittee to plan a parade commemorating the occasion.
The preliminary Women's Suffrage Commission was formed to Celebrate, Educate and Continue the work of the Women's Suffrage movement by commemorating the 100th anniversary and organize
The motto can be summarized by the following:
Read Delaware House Concurrent Resolution 21 or download the resolution here.
Governor John C. Carney
State of Delaware
Valerie Longhurst
Jackie Griffith, Chair
Nicole Poore
Bradley Skelcher
Courtney Stewart
Reba Hollingsworth
Karen Falk
Sue Bramhall
Syl Woolford
Lanette Edwards
Jack Young
Tania Culley
Rod Smolla
Dick Carter
Julie Russ
All Delawareans are encouraged to register to vote or update their registration at ivote.de.gov.