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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "New Castle County"

New Castle County Tercentenary Commission

Delaware Public Archives

Family Court – New Castle County

Delaware Public Archives

Delaware Public Archives to hold Workshop on Google Tools for Genealogy

Looking for a new way to search for your genealogy online?  This workshop may give you the clues you need to find your ancestors through Google.  On Saturday, August 3, 10:30 a.m., the Delaware Public Archives will host a workshop entitled “Google Tools for Genealogy.”  Presented by Leah Youse, MLIS, (pictured below) this presentation will provide […]

National Monuments in Delaware!

A proclamation signed by President Obama yesterday designated three sites in Delaware as a National Monument. The Dover Green, New Castle County Court House Complex and Woodlawn, a scenic tract of land east of the Brandywine River and north of Brandywine Creek State Park, make up The First State’s first National Monument.  The President designated […]

The War of 1812 Comes to the Delaware Public Archives

2012 marks the Bicentennial of the War of 1812. An exhibit about this war sometimes referred to as the Second Revolutionary War in America, will be put on display at the Delaware Public Archives starting June18th. The exhibit will present some of the Archive’s finest documents relating to the war, along with highlighting a few […]

Celebrate Delaware Day!

 In recognition of Delaware Day, December 7, being the day that Delaware was the first state to ratify the United States Constitution, the Delaware Public Archives has recently created a shadow box exhibit that celebrates the story of Delaware’s role as the First State to ratify the United States Constitution. This exhibit features facsimiles of […]

Delaware Public Archives Launches Searchable Finding Aids Tool

There’s a new tool now available for online patrons to search the records of the Delaware Public Archives. Known as the Collection Gateway, this new feature searches the databases of nineteen different collections in the Archives. The Collection Gateway will open a treasure trove of information for historians, genealogists, and all citizens who have an […]

Location! Location! Location! by Russ McCabe

On Saturday, August 6, 10:30 a.m., the Delaware Public Archives will sponsor a program entitled “Location! Location! Location!”  Retired State Archivist and Delaware historian Russ McCabe will discuss the many ways in which geography shaped the history and development of Delaware and the Delmarva Peninsula. With particular emphasis on the colonial era, the early statehood period, […]

Looking for Primary Sources about the Civil War? Check Out the Delaware Public Archives Website

The official sesquicentennial commemoration of the American Civil War kicked off today with a ceremony held at the Delaware Public Archives.  Attended by Governor Jack Markell, the event highlights the new online exhibit of Civil War holdings from the collections of the Archives.  This new online feature (which went live today!) on the website includes […]

Wolves Head?

We had a group of students come in the other day that was studying early Delaware.  Their assignment was to find interesting tidbits about Delaware.  We sent them to the early court records for each of the counties. They were surprised at what they found. For example, there is a list and description of livestock […]