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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Civil War"

Get Ready, It’s Coming! The Civil War Sesquicentennial

Did you know that April 12th will mark the Civil War sesquicentennial?  Did you know that we have over 23 cubic feet of original records, 140 rolls of microfilm, and approximately 60 photographs relating to Delaware Union troops?  In preparation for the anniversary, with the help of our sister agency the Government Information Center, we are […]

New Accessions at The Delaware Public Archives

Thanks to the financial generosity of the Friends of the Delaware Archives, we have attained two important Delaware related items.  The first item is a picture of Governor William Cannon who served as Governor of the First State during the Civil War from 1863 to 1865. The second item is a booklet entitled “A Brief […]

Happy Memorial Day!

This weekend we pause to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.  I would like to take a few minutes to tell you that we have lots of records relating to not only Delaware’s involvement in wars, but the individuals who served. We have records from the Revolutionary War up through […]

On the Home Front: Delaware Women during the Civil War

The Delaware Public Archives will sponsor a Civil War program entitled On the Home Front: Delaware Women during the Civil War on Saturday, March 6, at 10:30 a.m. As with previous wars, the women kept the home fires burning as the men marched off to engage in battle. But during the Civil War, things were just a […]

Are You Sure Pop-Pop Served In The Civil War?

Have you ever had an Uncle that always has a story about one of your ancestors serving in a war? So the story goes of war heroes in every family. Did you ever wonder if it was the truth?  A young lady came in because her uncle had been telling her for years about her […]