Former Site of Delcastle Prison Farm
NC-209: Farmland along McKennans Church Road, formerly owned by the Wells and Gregg families, was acquired by the New Castle County Workhouse at Greenbank circa 1915-16 and named Delcastle Farms. Located approximately two miles from the main prison building, the farm was established with the hope that through agricultural education, inmates could better their chances […]
Department of Agriculture, State Forestry Department, Woodland Management Service Records
This series is comprised of a single report, the Forestry Planting Report. The report consists of several single-page reports on the condition of trees planted by the State Forest Service along highways and on state and private property.
Town of Little Creek
KC-126: The Town of Little Creek developed in the early 1800s as a wharf on the Little River between two neighboring plantations. Originally known as Little Landing, the community began as a trading and shipping hub for salt marsh hay, agricultural products from nearby farms, and seafood. Little Creek formally incorporated in 1899. As the […]
Coming of the Railroad
KC-99: Delaware rail transit began in 1832, when the New Castle & Frenchtown Railroad connected shipping traffic on the Chesapeake Bay and Delaware River. In 1836, the General Assembly chartered the Delaware Railroad to build a line from the New Castle & Frenchtown to the state’s southern border. After financial delays, tracks reached here in […]
Delaware Public Archives
State Board of Agriculture / Department of Agriculture
Delaware Public Archives
The History of Farming in Delaware
Farming and its related agricultural industries have been a major force in the social, cultural, and economic history of Delaware. Today, agriculture remains the state’s largest industry, generating over $1 billion in income from an array of crops, poultry, and livestock. On Saturday, August 2, at 10:30 a.m., Delaware Secretary of Agriculture Ed Kee, will […]
Celebrating the Final Year of the Delmarva Chicken Festival
Sarah Denison, processing archivist This year marks the 65th and final year of the Delmarva Chicken Festival. Started in 1948, the Delmarva Chicken Festival is a celebration of the area’s poultry industry. Over the years, people flocked to the festival to see the world’s largest frying pan. With a 10 foot diameter and weighing […]