“Ewell’s Methodist Church (M.P.) at Clayton. This church was built through the efforts of the Rev. David J. Ewell for whom it was named. The dedication services were held on Dec. 30, I 860, by the Revs. T. B. Valiant and John Roberts. The work bogged down and the church was closed in 1869. In April, 1870, the building was rented by the Methodist Episcopalians and it was arranged to have services every two weeks with preaching by the Revs. Mr. Miller and William Urie. Later, these services were abandoned and the church was reopened by the Methodist Protestants. It was made a separate charge in 1879.
The church was rebuilt in 1904. The new bell was placed in position in October. The rededication service was conducted on Sun., Nov. 6, 1904, by the Rev. T. H. Lewis, D.D., President of Western Maryland College. A new organ was unveiled and ten new memorial windows were also dedicated. Assisting in the services were the Revs. F. T. Little, J. L. Estlin, and George R. McCready, the pastor. Among the numerous gifts were a baptismal font by Mrs. T. J. Middleton, silver collection plates by Mr. Spink of Baltimore and the corner -stone by William H. Stevenson.
On Sun., May 31, 1942, the steeple was seriously damaged by lightning. The spire was removed and it was replaced by a low tower. There is a grave- yard beside the church. The oldest tombstone is that of William A. Thompson who died on July 4, 1863.
A mural painting entitled, “Christ the Good Shepherd,’’ executed by Miss Caroline M. Smith, of Wilmington, was dedicated on Sun., Apr. 8, 1945. It was presented by Mrs. J. Medford Davis in memory of her father, Geo. W. Thomas.”
The church was completed and the opening services were held on Apr. 22, 1945.” (1)
Related Topics: church, Clayton, frank r zebley, Kent County, Methodist, Zebley