The origin of this congregation can be traced to its establishment as a Methodist Society in Dover in 1778. Land on North Street was obtained in 1782, and a church was completed there in 1784. Bishops Francis Asbury and Richard Whatcoat, pioneers of American Methodism, conducted services at the “rather nice large brick chapel” on many occasions. Needing more space, the present site was purchased for a new church. The cornerstone was laid on September 23, 1850, and the building was dedicated the following February. To accommodate further growth, the church was enlarged in 1870 and 1884. A major rebuilding project in 1897 included the addition of stained glass windows, organ pipes, and a lofty beamed ceiling, giving the church a cathedral-like appearance. Another addition was built in 1924. In 1950, Grace Fellowship Hall was added, St. Paul’s Chapel was created, and a major redesign of the sanctuary took place. The former Post Office Building to the east became the Education Center in 1967.
Installed in 2003.
State of Delaware Historical Markers Program, 2003.
209 S. State Street, Dover, DE 19901
Related Topics: American Methodism, Dover, Education Center, Francis Asbury, Grace Fellowship Hall, Historical Markers, House of Worship, Kent County, Methodist Society, Richard Whatcoat, St. Paul’s Chapel, Wesley Methodist Church, Wesley United Methodist Church