The Cape Henlopen Lighthouse stood on the Great Dune near Lewes from 1765 through 1926. The lighthouse was a widely-recognized landmark in the region and in 1924, a realtor built a replica of it as his Rehoboth Beach office. The Village Improvement Association (VIA) purchased the replica in 1928 and moved it from the first block of Rehoboth Avenue to the entrance of the city near Grove Street. The VIA maintained the lighthouse until 1971, when they transferred ownership to the City of Rehoboth Beach. In 2004, the replica was relocated to the center of the new traffic circle on Rehoboth Avenue as part of a streetscape enhancement project.
Installed in 2019.
The Honorable Ernesto B. “Ernie” Lopez, Delaware State Senate, 2019
The Honorable Peter C. “Pete” Schwartzkopf, Delaware House of Representatives, 2019
Lighthouse Park, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Related Topics: Cape Henlopen Lighthouse, Great Dune, Historic Location, Historical Markers, Lewes, Lighthouse, Rehoboth Avenue, Streetscape Enhancement Project, Sussex County, VIA, Village Improvement Association