So I was watching TV the other night and happened to catch the new NBC show entitled “Who Do You Think You Are?”. It’s about 7 celebraties who are researching their genealogy. You never know what you may uncover or who you may be related to. Did you know that you can find out more about […]
Has anyone ever told you that you may have American Indian ancestry? Have you ever wondered how you could find out? One clue may be your last name. Each tribe has particular surnames that are associated with them. Names like Coker, Jackson, Durham, and Norwood to name just a few. There are two recognized American Indian […]
Several items have just returned from being conserved and one of the more interesting ones is an oversize plot for a road from Cowgill’s Corner (south of Smyrna) to the Seaford area. Completed in 1825, this plot provides a detailed look at one of the period’s main transportation arteries through Kent and Sussex County. While […]
Have you seen the new nonfiction book entitled “Birthright: the true story that inspired Kidnapped” by A. Roger Ekirch? The book is set in 1728, when a 12-year old was kidnapped, sold into indentured servitude, and sent to Delaware, so his uncle could keep the property the boy should have inherited. After 13 years, he […]
Do you ever watch the show Ghost Hunters? It’s gotten to be a pretty big thing. We had a group of high school students come in the other day that are big fans of the show and wanted to know if Delaware had any haunted places. Of course we do! There are numerous stories of […]
A family came in the other day from out of town during one of our winter snowstorms. They had come to visit relatives and couldn’t believe all the snow we had. They couldn’t remember it ever being like this on any other family visit and asked if this was normal? It made them wonder how many […]
Our photo archivist, Randy Goss, was organizing some of the photos from one of our Photograph Collections and found these great shots of Samuel P. Langley’s attempt to be the first man to fly. These six pictures were taken October 7, 1903 on the Potomac River. Langley was the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution and […]
Have you ever looked at your deed and seen the term hundred? Have you ever wondered what that meant? A couple came in after they had purchased their new house. They were curious what the term Appoquinimink Hundred meant on their deed. The term hundred originated in England and is defined as a division of a county. It is different than […]
The Delaware Public Archives will sponsor a Civil War program entitled On the Home Front: Delaware Women during the Civil War on Saturday, March 6, at 10:30 a.m. As with previous wars, the women kept the home fires burning as the men marched off to engage in battle. But during the Civil War, things were just a […]
More than 25 people came out on Saturday, Feb. 20, for the Judy Johnson program at the Archives. Not only did the speaker, Ellen Rendle, do a great job of presenting information about Johnson’s life and career, but numerous individuals who knew Mr. Johnson came forward to talk about their remembrances. Several persons noted that Johnson was always willing […]