Date Posted: Friday, May 21st, 2010

The Delaware Public Archives will sponsor a workshop entitled Using Heritage Quest to Find Your Family Roots on Saturday, June 5, 10:30 a.m. HeritageQuest Online is a unique resource for both genealogical and historical researchers. With coverage dating back to the late 1700s, researchers can use HeritageQuest to find their ancestors, trace their paths across […]

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Date Posted: Tuesday, May 18th, 2010

This past weekend was the spring race for NASCAR at Dover International Speedway.  One might say “What would the archives possibly have on a NASCAR event?”  For starters, we have lots of photographs.  We have great aerial views of Dover Downs from the 1970’s to the 1990’s.  It is incredible to see how the seating […]

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Date Posted: Thursday, May 6th, 2010

We had a group of students come in the other day that was studying early Delaware.  Their assignment was to find interesting tidbits about Delaware.  We sent them to the early court records for each of the counties. They were surprised at what they found. For example, there is a list and description of livestock […]

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Date Posted: Friday, April 30th, 2010

This Saturday will be the 77th annual Old Dover Days Festival. There will be the traditional Maypole dance, parade, house tours, and many other events. Did you know that Mabel Lloyd Ridgely was one of the founders of Dover Days?  Did you know that the research room was named in honor of her? Mrs. Ridgely had […]

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Date Posted: Monday, April 26th, 2010

If you were born, married, or attended public school in Delaware, eventually the Delaware Public Archives will have a record of you.  This “behind the scenes” tour of the Delaware Public Archives offers the public the opportunity to learn more about the role of the Archives, and see how the Archives preserves and protects the […]

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Date Posted: Monday, April 19th, 2010

I saw in the newspaper the other day that they are predicting that the mosquitos are going to be really bad this year because of all the water still laying around.  Did you know that we have records of the Civilian Conservation Corps and Mosquito Control?  We have scrapbooks, diaries, ditch drawings, and photographs. Subjects […]

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Date Posted: Wednesday, April 14th, 2010

So I was watching TV the other night and happened to catch the new NBC show entitled “Who Do You Think You Are?”. It’s about 7 celebraties who are researching their genealogy. You never know what you may uncover or who you may be related to. Did you know that you can find out more about […]

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Date Posted: Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

Has anyone ever told you that you may have American Indian ancestry?  Have you ever wondered how you could find out?  One clue may be your last name.  Each tribe has particular surnames that are associated with them.  Names like Coker, Jackson, Durham, and Norwood to name just a few. There are two recognized American Indian […]

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Date Posted: Friday, March 26th, 2010

Several items have just returned from being conserved and one of the more interesting ones is an oversize plot for a road from Cowgill’s Corner (south of Smyrna) to the Seaford area.  Completed in 1825, this plot provides a detailed look at one of the period’s main transportation arteries through Kent and Sussex County.  While […]

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Date Posted: Friday, March 26th, 2010

Have you seen the new nonfiction book entitled “Birthright:  the true story that inspired Kidnapped” by A. Roger Ekirch? The book is set in 1728, when a 12-year old was kidnapped, sold into indentured servitude, and sent to Delaware, so his uncle could keep the property the boy should have inherited.  After 13 years, he […]

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