Date Posted: Thursday, March 17th, 2011

Have you ever wondered if you have any Irish heritage? You can uncover your family roots here at the archives. We have many resources for you to use. You can take a look at our naturalization database for Ireland. We have books not only on the Irish in Delaware, but how to research your Irish […]

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Date Posted: Friday, March 11th, 2011

If you listen closely you can hear the balls bouncing.  It’s that time again, when everyone is thinking about their brackets and rooting for their favorite college team.  Yeah, it’s March and that means one thing to sports fans: BASKETBALL! Everyone is thinking about basketball, including 2 men who stopped by the other day to […]

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Date Posted: Thursday, February 24th, 2011

Come out to the Archives on Saturday, March 5, 10:30 a.m., for a program entitled “Glamour Girls:  The Portrayal of Women in World War II Propaganda Posters.” The United States and Great Britain had diverse ideas about what was glamorous and appropriate during wartime.  American images of women in propaganda posters were much more glamorous and […]

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Date Posted: Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

  Today Delawareans were saddened with the news of the passing of former Governor Russell Peterson. Governor Peterson served from 1969-1973.  He is best known for being an environmentalist and the Coastal Zone Act, which protected Delaware’s  natural resources.   He also is known for changing Delaware’s government from a commission form of government to a […]

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Date Posted: Monday, February 21st, 2011

Today is President’s Day. It’s where we take a few minutes to remember the great leaders of our country. Have you ever wondered how many presidents have been to Delaware?  You’d probably be surprised.  Most Delawareans are well aware of more recent presidential visits like President Obama, President Clinton, and President Bush (both of them). […]

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Date Posted: Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

Have you visited our Facebook page or our videos on YouTube? Our Facebook page is a great way to keep in touch with happenings at the Archives.  We post photo albums, events, and new acquisitions.     Why not give us the thumbs up and “like” our page? We have two series of videos on the State’s […]

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Date Posted: Monday, January 24th, 2011

We had a couple come in the other day with a case of the winter blues.  They had seen the article in the newspapers about the Harold Purnell photograph collection being completed.  So they thought they’d come in and look at some old photographs to see if they could shake their blues away.  Boy did […]

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Date Posted: Friday, January 14th, 2011

Monday we take some time to honor the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. and his accomplishments for civil rights.  We had a college professor, who is new to Delaware, stop in to see if we had anything on civil rights in Delaware. He was floored when he saw all we had.  We have audio recordings […]

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Date Posted: Friday, January 7th, 2011

Did you know that April 12th will mark the Civil War sesquicentennial?  Did you know that we have over 23 cubic feet of original records, 140 rolls of microfilm, and approximately 60 photographs relating to Delaware Union troops?  In preparation for the anniversary, with the help of our sister agency the Government Information Center, we are […]

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Date Posted: Monday, December 20th, 2010

Looking for something to combat the post-holiday blues? Come out to the Delaware Public Archives to help celebrate the history of the railroad in Delaware. The Archives will be hosting a free railroad exhibit from January 5 to January 8 coinciding with the completion of a related Archives initiative to bring the entire Jackson & […]

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