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RG #5070


RG 1380-006-1816: The Old College Hall, Newark

The 1700s – 1849

Settled in the early eighteenth century, Newark was a thriving market town and a stop for travelers between the Chesapeake Bay and Philadelphia when, in 1758, it received a colonial Charter from King George II. In general, the late eighteen and early nineteenth-century development was typical of other regional towns with agriculturally-based trade. However, from the beginning, the evolution of a local private academy would have a significant impact on the Town’s development. A 1772 law defined the limits of the Town and also called for an expansion of the markets to be held in the Town, but it was the Academy, as the recipient of the fees from the market, which benefited monetarily.1 In 1811, the Academy further benefited when a lottery was authorized which was to pay for its repair along with repairs to the market house and the paving streets.2 In 1843, the “NewArk” Academy would become Delaware College, now the University of Delaware. The development of the academic institution has been vitally important to the municipality throughout its history.   


1850 – 1899

In 1851, An Act for the Better Regulation of the Streets of Newark and for Other Purposes, served as a kind of incorporating law although not so titled. The 1851 Act referred to the boundaries of the Town that were described in the 1772 law. It called for property owners, including white females over 21, and all those residents who were entitled to vote in state elections to be able to cast a vote for the five Commissioners who would serve a one-year term. The Commissioners were to prevent the willful destruction of trees and fences, and to regulate the repair the footpaths using taxes raised to fund this, and any other activity, which would contribute to the safety of the Town. Repair of the roads was assigned to the Road Commissioners of White Clay Hundred. The Commissioners were to appoint Town officials including an Assessor, Tax Collector, Treasurer, and Inspector of Accounts. The responsibilities of a Justice of the Peace and Constable, including suppressing all riotous, turbulent, disorderly and noisy assemblages, were to be carried out by those residents of the Town who had been appointed by New Castle County to these positions.3 A year later, the provisions of this act were restated in a similar law. Changes in this law included eliminating the Inspector of Accounts position, providing a place of confinement for disorderly persons, and providing compensation to the Commissioners.4 In 1853, the Act was amended to specify that $200 was the amount to be raised in taxes to repair the footpaths.5 Then in 1869, a law amended the Act to indicate that  the amount to be raised by taxation was to be not less than $200.6 The 1852 Act was further amended in 1881; the Commissioners were given the authority to define the boundaries of the public highway which ran in an east-west direction through the Town defining its width as forty feet, and were further authorized to open new streets and widen others with provisions for compensating property owners when such action would be taken. Taxes were now to be used to maintain both footpaths and streets. These amendments also authorized the Commissioners to pass ordinances for good government and to proscribe fines.7

In a law passed in 1887, the Town of Newark was formally incorporated as the “Council of Newark.” In defining the boundaries of the Town, this Act referred back to the 1852 Act. The Town was to be divided into three districts, the western, middle and eastern districts, with two Council members to reside in each district. All Council members were to serve staggered, two-year terms. Every male citizen, as well as all freeholders, male and female, 21 and older, who had paid their taxes, were eligible to vote for the two Council members representing the district in which they resided. The Council President was elected at large and also served a two-year term. The President was an ex-officio member of the Council and presided over Council meetings. Other Town officials chosen by the Council were a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Assessor, a Tax Collector, an Alderman, and Constables. All Town officials were required to be Town residents. The Council met monthly to considered ordinances and other matters for the good of the Town. Among the powers granted to them was to preserve the health of the Town and prevent the introduction of infectious or contagious diseases; to remove nuisances; to ascertain and fix the boundaries of streets and to repair them; to direct the paving of footways; to direct the laying out of gutters; to fix building lines related to streets; to provide night watchers and lighting of streets; to regulate the use of the Town’s streets and public spaces; to provide for the regulation of auctions; to regulate public amusements; to establish boundary lines of properties and regulate party walls; to prescribe the height, thickness and materials of building walls; to erect market houses and to regulate markets; to provide for the measuring and weighing of coal, lime, grain, and other matter sold in the Town; to regulate the storage of gunpowder or other dangerously combustible material; to have jurisdiction over and control drainage within the Town; and to provide for securing those who violate the Town’s ordinances. In addition to fining violators of ordinances enforcing these powers, the Council could fine the owners of any horse, cow, dog, hog, goat or other animal found at large in the streets of the Town. Taxation was to be limited to no less than $1,000 and no more than $3,000 annually. Assessments of real estate were carried out annually with farmland being assessed at its value for farming purposes until it was divided into building lots. Manufacturing plants were exempt from Town taxation for ten years after their establishment. Male residents above the age of 21 could be charged up to fifty cents in per capita taxes. Dog owners were to be taxed fifty cents for male dogs and $1 for females. Delinquent taxes could be collected by attaching wages; late payment of taxes was also subject to a penalty. After referendum approval, Newark was authorized to borrow up to $1,000 for any purpose. The Town was also authorized to borrow $30,000 after being petitioned by twelve citizens and receiving approval by referendum vote in order to establish a waterworks and water supply system. All referendums were to be weighted; citizens would have a vote for every dollar of taxes paid. The 1887 Act required the Council to prepare an annual statement of all outstanding loans.8

The Town of Newark would not be re-incorporated for sixty-four years. During that time, numerous amendments were made to the 1887 Act. The first law to amend the Act was passed in 1889. Among the more significant changes in this law were decreasing the length of time between re-appointment for the Secretary and Treasurer from two years to one; placing a cap of $2,000 on the Town’s per capita tax; changing the annual tax on property to no less than $1,000 and no more than $5,000; and allowing for promissory notes rather than bonds to be issued to cover debts of $1,000 or less if the term of the loan was less than twelve months.9 An 1891 law indicated that the Road Commissioners of White Clay Creek Hundred were no longer to collect road taxes from property owners within Newark; the Council of Newark was now to levy and collect this tax and would allocate $3000 to the Road Commissioners annually.10 In 1893, two laws were passed which would impact the Town: the first, which did not require referendum approval, authorized the Council to borrow $5,000 in order to establish an electric light plant; the second amended the 1887 Act in several ways, but the most significant change was to increase the debt limit when using a promissory note to $3,000.11 Because Newark had borrowed money to establish its water system as well as borrowing several smaller amounts, an 1895 law acknowledged that it was in debt for $37,000. Newark was authorized by the law to redeem and reissue these loans extending their term. Also in 1895, the tax on dog owners required by the 1887 Act was eliminated; instead, the Council could require that all dogs be registered annually with a fee being paid for registration.12 In 1898, a law authorized the Town Council of Newark to regulate shows, exhibitions, and public amusements and to establish a fee for licensing them.13 In 1899, a law eliminated the exemption for farmlands within the Town being assessed at farm value.14


1900 – 1949

Three laws were passed in 1903 with the first describing the expansion of the Town’s boundaries; the second providing the Council with the authority to regulate the sale of goods wares and merchandise on streets and sidewalks; and the third establishing new procedures related to tax delinquency which now constituted a first lien of a property and could result in its sale.15 In 1905, four laws amended the 1887 Act: the first of these increased the debt cap to $5,000; the second increased the cap on taxation to $10,000; the third authorized the Council to maintain a waterworks, purchase land within Newark or in New Castle County for placing wells and buildings, and lay pipes under the public roads and after agreement, over private property; and the fourth authorized the Council, after referendum approval, to sell the water works and electric light plant with the proceeds of the sale being used to repay the debt incurred in their purchase or construction.16 In 1907, the Council was authorized to borrow up to $20,000 with which to improve the streets and extend the water and electric lines; a special tax was to be levied to fund the redemption of the bonds issued for this debt. In other laws enacted that year, the per capita tax was decreased, and the provision requiring that Newark pay $300 annually to the Road Commissioners of White Clay Creek Hundred was eliminated.17 In 1909, laws increased the amount which the Council could borrow at any one time to $10,000, and eliminated the requirement that females vote by proxy.18 A law enacted in 1913 authorized the Town to construct and operate a system of sewers and a sewage disposal plant. Before this could be implemented, referendum approval was required with the owners of properties adjacent to streets where the sewer would be laid being given one vote for every dollar paid in taxes. The law provided authorization to borrow up to $50,000 backed by promissory notes that were to be repaid from fees charged to those who had been eligible to vote; a special tax was to cover any shortfall in repayment of the notes. The law also established a Sewer Commission consisting of one member from each of the Town’s districts who were appointed to serve for five years.19 In 1915, a law authorized the Council to redeem and reissue $37,500 in bonds.20 The election procedures in the Charter were revised in 1917.21 In 1920, two laws amended the 1887 Act: the first increased the cap on the amount of taxation to $20,000 annually, and the second authorized the Council to borrow $75,000 with which to enlarge and improve the water supply system and the electric light plant. The latter law required that a special tax be levied with which to pay the interest on the bonds and to establish a sinking fund with which to redeem the bonds when they came due; referendum approval was required.22 In 1923, a change in the 1887 Act provided that those who violated the ordinances of Newark could be committed to a public workhouse.23 A 1925 law allowed for Newark’s water supply lines to be extended beyond the Town’s boundaries; any New Castle County residents who connected to the water system could be charged a fee.24 The Council was authorized to borrow $150,000 in 1927 for the purpose of improving the streets, extending and improving the water, electric light, and sewer systems. As $75,000 had been authorized for just water system and electric light plant just seven years earlier, either that amount proved insufficient or the required referendum had been defeated; no referendum was required in this law. As in 1920, a special tax was to be levied so that the bonds issued to cover the loan could be repaid. A related bill, passed simultaneously, authorized the Council to extend its sewer system beyond its boundaries, and to collect fees to cover the costs from property owners who could connect to the sewer. The Town’s limits were also extended in 1925 with the additional area falling into one of the existing three districts.25 In 1929, a law provided that the cap on taxation was increased to $30,000 annually; Newark was reimbursed for the costs associated with installing sewers adjacent to properties which the State of Delaware owned; and a new procedure for collecting delinquent taxes was approved which allowed for a monition to be issued by the Sheriff of New Castle County.26 In 1931, the Council was authorized to borrow up to 10% of the assessed value of all real estate for the purpose of improving the streets and extending  and improving the water, electric light and sewer systems. Referendum approval was required before bonds could be issued and a special tax was to be levied to ensure that the debt was repaid.27 In 1937, The Council redeemed and re-issued $100,000 in outstanding bonds.28 Three laws were passed in 1945 which amended the 1887 Act: the first gave the Council full authority over trees planted along streets allowing for the removal of those that presented a danger to public travel; the second granted the Council the power to repair and/or and raze buildings that created a fire hazard or were structurally unsafe; and the third authorized the Council to condemn land needed for the water or sewer systems when an agreement could not be reached with the owner of the property.29 In 1947, a law made changes to the 1927 law which authorized various municipal projects by indicating that those property owners who did not initiate a sewer installation fee payment plan or who became delinquent in paying the installments outlined in their plan would immediately be subject to paying the full amount of the fee.30 The final two amendments to the 1887 Act enacted prior to the Town’s re-incorporation were in 1949 when the cap on taxation was increased to $20,000 annually, and the number of funds which the Council was authorized to borrow for current needs was increased to $50,000.31  


1950 – 1999

In 1951, legislation was enacted which changed the name of the “Town of Newark” to the “City of Newark,” and incorporated in that name, establishing a Charter. The boundaries of the City are cited in metes and bounds, and annexation of contiguous territory is authorized after a petition by impacted property owners and approval by the voters of the City of Newark. The government of the City was vested in a Mayor and Council. The Mayor was to be elected at-large and was an ex-officio member and presiding officer of the Council. The Council was made up of two members representing and residing in each of the City’s three districts with at least one Council member in each District being a freeholder. The Mayor and Council were elected to two-year terms. Voting procedures were to be compliant with the Delaware Code as it pertained to elections in municipalities. The powers awarded to the Council in the 1887 Act are repeated in this Charter, and in addition, the City is vested with all other powers requisite to and appropriate for the government of the City of Newark, its peace and order, its sanitation and beauty, comfort and well-being of its population and for the protection and preservation of public and private property. Other City officials, chosen by the Council, include a City Manager, a Secretary, a Solicitor, an Alderman, a Treasurer, an Assessor, a Police Force, a four-member Board of Health, and a six-member Planning Commission. Whenever a new real estate development is contemplated, the developer must submit their plans to the Council and the Planning Commission for approval before moving forward. Assessments are conducted annually on real estate; personal property is not assessed nor is there a per capita tax. The Charter contains specific procedures related to the collection of taxes and actions to be followed if tax payments are delinquent. In addition to taxes, the City was authorized to charge fees for licenses, and permits for businesses as well as to collect franchise fees on utilities and impose sewer rentals. The City’s revenue, which included property taxes with an annual $100,000 cap, fees and penalties, and other specialized income, must be adequate to cover the City’s annual budgetary needs, the yearly interest on any outstanding bonds, monies to be deposited in a sinking fund to redeem any bonds that come due, and a reserve fund for depreciation. After referendum approval, the City could incur indebtedness by issuing general obligation bonds or revenue bonds for the purpose of a project which erected, enlarged, repaired or maintained any utility plant; repaired, paved, or improved streets, curbs, or gutters, constructed to repair sewers or other permanent municipal improvement projects. Special assessments could be authorized to fund such projects, payable in installments. General obligation bonds were capped at $800,000; revenue bonds were limited to the amount that would be raised. The City was also authorized to borrow up to $100,000 for immediate needs. Newark was required to prepare an annual statement showing all debt, and to undertake an independent audit of their financial records.32

The 1951 Charter was amended a number of times. In 1952, certain sections of Newark’s condemnation provisions were revised to be in conformance with Delaware’s Uniform Condemnation Act. Also in that year, the cap on taxation was changed from a maximum of $100,000 to 2% of the assessed value of Newark’s taxable real estate, and the cap on bonded debt was changed from a maximum of $800,000 to 10% of the assessed value of taxable real property. Another law in 1952 allowed the Council to borrow up to $250,000 in advance of revenue to be received for certain municipal projects.33 In 1955, nine laws revised Newark’s Charter as follows:  revisions were made to the procedures for paving the sidewalks; the option of adopting New Castle County’s assessment for its own taxing purposes was granted; Newark’s water service could be extended up to ten miles outside the City limits; the procedures for nominating those seeking public office were revised; the prohibition against acquiring land, engaging in a franchise, or borrowing money for the manufacture or generation of light and power was removed; the annual cap on short-term indebtedness was changed from $100,000 to 1% of the assessed value of taxable real estate; the Council was authorized with the ability to vacate streets; the purposes for which general obligation bonds could be issued was expanded to include providing funding for short-term debt; and Newark’s fiscal year was changed to begin on January 1.34 In 1956, the annexation procedures in Newark’s Charter were revised to indicate that the owners of two-thirds or more of the area being considered for annexation must approve such an action.35 A 1957 law authorized the City to charge a business license fee, as well as to levy and collect franchise fees on sewer rentals. Another law that year clarified and made changes to the City’s assessment process.36 In 1959, the Charter was revised to indicate that all water and sewer service charges which were thirty days delinquent were to be considered a lien on the property for a period of five years.37 Major changes impacting the structure of the government in Newark took place in 1961. The Charter was amended that year, dividing the City into six districts with one Council member representing each district; qualifications for a seat on the City Council required residency in the associated district but not property ownership. Another law in 1961 revised Title 22 Chapter 8 of the Delaware Code and established regulations providing Delaware municipalities with the ability to seek home rule status and outlining the procedures to do so. Every municipal corporation in the state with a population of over 1,000 was eligible to seek home rule status, amending its Charter to assume all powers which the General Assembly would grant by specific enumeration as long as they were not denied by the home rule statute. Under the regulations governing home rule, actions of the municipality which amended the Charter were to be recommended by the City Council, approved by a local referendum, and confirmed by the General Assembly which they could achieve by taking no action on the matter.38

Newark submitted their Charter for approval under the provisions of 22 Del. C. §8 in 1965 and on May 29 of that year, home rule status was approved. In its Preamble, it indicated that “We, the people of Newark, . . . in order to secure for ourselves the benefits of municipal home rule and to exercise the powers of local self-government, . . . do adopt this Charter . . .” The Charter contained the precise boundaries of the City laid out in metes and bounds, and the description of the six districts into which the City was divided. Newark was to be reapportioned every ten years using population statistics from the Federal census to establish the boundaries of the City’s six districts so that they would be nearly equal in population, making as few changes in the district lines as possible to achieve this goal while not unduly favoring any group of persons. It also provided for annexation of additional land whenever requested by the owners of two-thirds or more of the area to be annexed. The powers of governance were vested in the City to which “all powers of municipal corporations and cities are granted by the Constitution and laws of the State of Delaware.” The form of government established was a known as the Council-Manager form. As in the 1951 Charter, there was a Mayor, elected at-large, and six Council members, one from each district, who were all elected to two-year terms. Elections were held in April, and all residents of the City who are at least 21, have resided in the state for one year and the City for three months, were entitled to vote. Meetings of the Council, held at least monthly, were presided over by the Mayor who has a vote in all proceedings. As the legislative governing body of the City, the Council was granted a number of specific powers which are the same as those listed in the 1951 Charter. The Council governed through ordinances and could pass emergency ordinances to meet a public emergency affecting life, health, property or the public peace. The City had the right to engage in business; to acquire property for municipal purposes and for rights-of-way for utility purposes; to provide water, sewer and electrical utility service within the City’s corporate limits; to lay out, open, widen or vacate streets; to construct sidewalks along public streets; and to alter and change the course and direction of natural watercourses and to construct water mains, storm drains and sanitary sewers. In addition to the Council, the Charter outlined the various appointed positions with the City and referred to its administrative organization, policies, financial procedures, capital program, and comprehensive development plan. Appointed City officials included the City Manager, the City Secretary, City Solicitor, City Treasurer, an Alderman, and the Board of Health. The City Manager had various administrative departments to carry out City business, including a Finance Department, Planning Department, and a Police Department. Property within the City was to be assessed annually with a maximum amount of taxation that equaled 2% of the assessed value of taxable property. Additional taxes could be collected to service the bonded indebtedness of the City. Other sources of revenue were fees for licenses and permits; franchise fees; sewer rentals; and rates for utilities operated by the City. The City had the authority to borrow money for current indebtedness provided that the total, in aggregate, did not exceed 1% of the taxable assessed value of the City’s real estate. They could also borrow up to $500,000 in advance for the construction or installation of sewers, paving, or other municipal improvements which would be assessable to the owners of property. The City’s bonded indebtedness was not to exceed, in aggregate, 10% of the assessed value of all taxable real estate. Issuance of bonds always required referendum approval and the activities which could be funded through bonded indebtedness were: the erection, enlargement or repair of any plant or machinery for the supply or distribution of electricity or gas; furnishing water for public and private use; the construction, repair or improvement of streets, or paving, curbing or guttering along the same; construction or repair sewers or sewage disposal equipment; funding notes related to borrowing for current needs the City; or defraying costs of any permanent municipal improvement or carrying out a capital improvement project deemed by the Council to be necessary to the proper function or power of the City. [This Charter was not published in the Laws of Delaware, but is on file at the Delaware Public Archives.]

As originally written, the home rule regulations provided that amendments to a home rule Charter would be approved by a referendum of the municipality’s citizens; it was not until 1975 that these regulations were revised to provide an alternate approval method, a two-thirds vote of the General Assembly. However, amendments to Newark’s Charter can be found in the Laws of Delaware immediately after its home rule status was confirmed. In December 1965, the Council was authorized to revise a procedure related to imposing fines, and also to initiate the levying of taxes on gas mains, water lines, telephone, telegraph, and power poles, and similar erections.39 In 1968, an exemption from taxes of up to $5,000 was approved for Newark residents over the age of 65 whose income did not exceed $3,000 per year.40 A 1971 law acknowledged that Newark had failed to establish a Board of Adjustment when they established their home rule Charter and that they now found that certain provisions of the Delaware Code prevented them from doing so, so changes to the Delaware Code were made that would allow for its establishment.41 In 1972, a law was enacted which contained a number of revisions to the Charter; among the significant changes were: eliminating the specific descriptions of the districts; increasing the Mayor’s term of office to three years; and prohibiting those who have committed a felony within the last fifteen years from running for any elective office.42 A 1973 amendment addressed the issue of vacancies on the Council.43 In 1974, Newark was authorized to carry out supplemental quarterly assessments to add property not included in the last annual assessment, as well as to increase or decrease assessment values.44 A 1975 law made a technical correction for inconsistencies in wording.45 In 1980, changes were made to the Charter to indicate that the Council could determine the number of Council districts at the time of each re-apportionment and re-districting, eliminating the requirement that new district lines must closely align with previous district lines and requiring voter approval for any reapportionment. It also indicated how the six Council members would be apportioned among the districts if there were less than six Council districts.46 In 1981, these changes were rescinded and the previous language related to apportionment reinstated. Also in 1981, a law eliminated the prohibition against those who held unpaid appointive positions in the City from participating in political activity.47 In 1987, there were changes made to the election procedures and eligibility of voters.48 In 1990, the requirement that personnel rules be adopted by City ordinance was eliminated, allowing for the City Manager to promulgate these as long as they do not conflict with any City ordinance.49 Amendments in 1998 eliminated the Board of Health, and made revisions to the procedures for appeals on tax assessments.50


2000 – Current

Four laws were passed in 2007 in which revisions were made to the Charter. The laws eliminated the House Sergeant position within Newark’s Police Department; revised the duties of the Alderman; made registration of voters consistent with Delaware law; and made changes to filling vacancies in elective office.51 A year later, in order to provide additional flexibility in meeting their financial obligations, changes were made in Newark’s Charter to change the terms under which it could borrow money and incur bonded indebtedness. In addition, Newark was authorized to implement the Municipal Tax Increment Financing Act.52 In 2012, the positions of Alderman and Deputy Alderman were eliminated as officials of the City of Newark, and an Alderman’s Court was established consistent with the Delaware law.53 Three laws were passed in 2013 which revised the Charter; the most significant change in these laws was the elimination from the Charter of the metes and bounds of the City as these had not been updated and were no longer correct. The changes in the other laws were procedural.54 In 2018, the City of Newark received authorization to charge a lodging tax of 3% in addition to the tax on lodging being charged by the State.55

As a home rule community, any changes made to the City’s Charter are incorporated immediately into the City’s Municipal Code, see  


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CITATIONS in Del. Laws

1 1 Del. Laws, c. 213 (1772) [pp. 518-22]

2 4 Del. Laws, c. 173 (1811) [pp. 484-86]

3 10 Del. Laws c. 531 (1851) [pp. 527-30]

4 10 Del. Laws, c. 630 (1852) [pp. 637-40]

5 11 Del. Laws, c. 47 (1853) [p. 46]

6 13 Del. Laws, c. 471 (1869) [p. 464]

7 16 Del. Laws, c. 497 (1881) [pp. 659-62]

8 18 Del. Laws, c. 175 (1887) [pp. 307-30]

9 18 Del. Laws, c. 641 (1889) [pp. 815-16]

10 19 Del. Laws, c. 233 (1891) [pp. 466-67]

11 19 Del. Laws, c. 743 (1893) [p. 1022]

12 20 Del. Laws, c. 106 and c. 205 (1895) [pp. 167-68 and pp. 270-71]

13 21 Del. Laws, c. 95 (1898) [p. 234]

14 22 Del. Laws, c. 276 (1899) [p. 513]

15 22 Del. Laws, c. 417, c. 418, and c. 419 (1903) [pp. 853-55, p. 856, and pp. 857-61]

16 23 Del. Laws, c. 166, c. 167, c. 168, and c. 169 (1905) [p. 279, p. 280, pp. 280-82, and pp. 282-84]

17 24 Del. Laws, c. 192, c. 193, and c. 194 (1907) [pp. 395-97, p. 398, and p. 399]

18 25 Del. Laws, c. 184 and c. 185 (1909) [p. 344 and p. 345]

19 27 Del. Laws, c. 220 (1913) [pp. 597-617]

20 28 Del. Laws, c. 131 (1915) [pp. 404-05]

21 29 Del. Laws, c. 144 (1917) [pp. 447-48]

22 31 Del. Laws, c. 31 and c. 32 (1920) [p. 78 and pp. 79-82]

23 33 Del. Laws, c. 124 (1923) [p. 317]

24 34 Del. Laws, c. 128 (1925) [p. 329]

25 35 Del. Laws, c. 117, c. 118, and c. 119 (1927) [pp. 353-55, pp. 356-65, and pp. 366-68]

26 36 Del. Laws, c. 178, c. 179, and c. 180 (1929) [p. 548, pp. 549-51, and p. 552]

27 37 Del. Laws, c. 165 (1931) [pp. 608-12]

28 41 Del. Laws, c. 157 (1937) [pp. 457-58]

29 45 Del. Laws, c. 188, c. 189, and c. 190 (1945) [pp. 743-44, p. 745, and p. 746]

30 46 Del. Laws, c. 104 (1947) [pp. 320-21]

31 47 Del. Laws, c. 53 and c. 111 (1949) [p. 95 and p. 176]

32 48 Del. Laws, c. 152 (1951) [pp. 434-75]

33 49 Del. Laws, c. 224, c. 225, c. 226, c. 227, c. 228, and c. 229 (1953)

[p. 423-25, p. 426, p. 427, p. 428, 429, and p. 430]

34 50 Del. Laws, c. 105, c. 106, c. 127, c. 128, c. 130, c. 180, c. 311, and c. 416 (1955)

[p. 177-78, p. 179, 216, pp. 217-18, p. 219, p. 220, pp. 340-41, and p. 600]

35 50 Del. Laws, c. 562 (1956) [p. 1297]

36 51 Del. Laws, c. 113 and c. 114 (1957) [pp. 173-74 and pp. 175-76]

37 52 Del. Laws, c. 172 (1959) [p. 408]

38 53 Del. Laws, c. 76 and c. 260 (1961) [pp. 237-39 and pp. 682-89]

39 55 Del. Laws, c. 287 and c. 289 (1965) [p. 821 and p. 823]

40 56 Del. Laws, c. 242 (1968) [p. 760]

41 58 Del. Laws, c. 276 (1971) [p. 792]

42 58 Del. Laws, c. 479 (1972) [pp. 1493-96]

43 59 Del. Laws, c. 40 (1973) [p. 74]

44 59 Del. Laws, c. 485 (1974) [pp. 1659-60]

45 60 Del. Laws, c. 316 (1975) [pp. 953-54]

46 62 Del. Laws, c. 363 (1980) [pp. 848-49]

47 63 Del. Laws, c. 112 and c. 139 (1981) [p. 229 and p. 258]

48 66 Del. Laws, c. 64 (1987) [p. 105]

49 67 Del. Laws, c. 154 (1990) [p. 366]

50 71 Del. Laws, c. 407 (1998) [p. 1202]

51 76 Del. Laws, c. 26, c. 30, c. 31, and c. 51 (2007) [vol. I, pp. 28-29, p. 30, pp. 30-31, and pp. 43-44]

52 76 Del. Laws, c. 319 (2008) [vol. II, pp. 173-74]

53 78 Del. Laws, c. 306 (2012) []

54 79 Del. Laws, c. 59 (2013) []

55 81 Del. Laws, c. 291 (2018) []

Delaware Laws from 1935 to present can be found online at


City of Newark Charter and records at the Delaware Public Archives include:

  • Charter of the City of Newark, May 29, 1965: 1325-003-147-5070 (3)
  • Minute Books of the Newark City Council (1866-2015): 5070-000-001
  • Ordinance Books (1897-2010): 5070-000-002
  • Resolution Books of the Newark City Council (1923-2010): 5070-000-003
  • Assessment Registers (1956-1971): 5070-000-004
  • Annual Tax Registers (1947-1971): 5070-000-005
  • Special Fund General Ledgers (1953-1959, 1964-1968, 1974-1975, 1977, 1979-1985, 1988-1995): 5070-000-006
  • General Ledgers (1948-1995): 5070-000-007
  • Criminal Docket Book, Alderman’s Court (1958-1962, 1969, 1971-1979): 5070-000-009
  • Minutes of the Board of Adjustment (1984-2012): 5070-000-010
  • Committee and Commission Minutes (1984-2014): 5070-000-011
  • Minutes of the Planning Commission (1960-2010): 5070-000-012
  • Annual Reports of the Planning Commission (1952, 1960-1968, 1971-1972, 1977-1982, 1986-2011): 5070-000-013
  • City Management Plans (1988-2008): 5070-000-014
  • Legal Opinions of the City Solicitor (1967, 1975-2009): 5070-000-015
  • Subdivision and Annexation Files (1990-2009): 5070-000-016
  • Five-Year Capital Improvement Plans (1964-2000): 5070-000-017
  • Subdivision and Annexation Plot Plans (1947-2007): 5070-000-018
  • Maps/Plots/Drawings of the Public Works Department (1928-2015): 5070-000-019
  • Water and Wastewater Administrative Records (2001-2012): 5070-000-020
  • Audit Reports (1939-1942, 1951-1975, 1979-1980, 1989, 1996, 2003-2008, 2012): 5070-000-021
  • Financial Statements and Reports (1993-2012): 5070-000-022
  • Bond Administration Files (1952-2011): 5070-000-023
  • City Manager Reports: 5070-000-024
    • Survey of Accounting Procedures of Town of Newark (1949)
    • Capital Improvement Program Project Reports (1993-1997, 2013-2015)
    • Management Plans (1994, 1995, 1996, 2011)
  • Employment Statistical Reports (2000-2009): 5070-000-025
  • Deeds for Properties Sold (1997, 2000): 5070-000-026
  • Municipal Year Book Statistical Report (1959-1967, 1970, 1973): 5070-000-027
  • Annual Budget Reports (1993-2016): 5070-000-028
  • Administrative Files (1914-1921, 1999-2004): 5070-000-029
  • Downtown Newark Partnership Files (1998-2007, 2012): 5070-000-030
  • Election Returns (1970-2012): 5070-000-031
  • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Files (2001, 2007-2012): 5070-000-032
  • Hearing Files of the Board of Adjustment (1952-2001): 5070-000-033

jnl / April 5th, 2019