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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Seaford"

Seaford Hundred

Detached from Northwest Fork Hundred by Act of General Assembly, 1869. Northwest Fork Hundred, originally claimed by Maryland, then embraced all territory west of Northwest Fork. Delaware obtained undisputed title in 1775, upon confirmation of Mason and Dixon Line. SC-6. Marker Photo Gallery: Resources Related to Seaford, DE: Location: 503 Old Bridgeville Highway, Seaford, DE […]


RG #7200   1800 – 1849 Around 1800, Seaford, located at the head of navigation of the Nanticoke River near its confluence with Herring Creek, began to develop as a village with lots being laid out south of West (now King) Street and east of Market Street. A commercial ferry was established across the Nanticoke […]

West Dover Hundred

KC-10: Originally part of St. Jones Hundred, renamed Dover Hundred, 1823, the boundaries being Little Creek on north and St. Jones Creek on south, extending from Delaware River to Maryland line. Dover Hundred was divided 1877 into two hundreds, called West Dover Hundred, and East Dover Hundred. Installed in 1932. Sponsors: Historical Markers Commission Marker […]

Seaford Photograph Exhibit

Delaware Public Archives Digital Archive

Newly Conserved Document Shows 1825 Road from Smyrna to Seaford

Several items have just returned from being conserved and one of the more interesting ones is an oversize plot for a road from Cowgill’s Corner (south of Smyrna) to the Seaford area.  Completed in 1825, this plot provides a detailed look at one of the period’s main transportation arteries through Kent and Sussex County.  While […]


A family came in the other day from out of town during one of our winter snowstorms.  They had come to visit relatives and couldn’t believe all the snow we had.  They couldn’t remember it ever being like this on any other family visit and asked if this was normal?  It made them wonder how many […]