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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "National Historical Publications and Records"

Tribute to President George Washington

In 1796, the members of the General Assembly sent an address to President George Washington, on behalf of the citizens of Delaware, as a tribute of gratitude and homage for his service to the United States. This resolution is available digitally thanks to a grant funded in part by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.

American Archives Month: Updating Our Past

Our first bid to save public records was long said to have been in 1818, but a project to digitize old legislative records just found this earlier proposal, introduced in January 1787, to create a state archive.

History Matters: Digitizing Delaware’s Early Legislative Papers

The General Assembly, Legislative Papers Collection consists of manuscript records reflecting the functions and activities of the General Assembly between 1724 and 1913. A portion of this collection (bulk dates 1731-1853) has been digitized as a result of a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, which promotes access to America’s historical records […]