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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Nanticoke River"

Woodland United Methodist Church

SC-236: On December 10, 1832, land was deeded to several trustees by Isaac and Jacob Cannon with the understanding that “…a House of Worship, in or at the Village of Cannons Ferry… by the name of Canton Church” was to be built. The deed for the land was recorded on April 17, 1833. A small […]

The Tina Fallon

By the 1740s a ferry service was being regularly operated at this location by James Cannon. He was succeeded by his son Jacob, who constructed a much-needed causeway on this side of the river for the improvement of the family’s ferry service business. Threatened by competitors, Jacob’s widow Betty Cannon successfully petitioned the Delaware General […]

Pilot Town

SC-66: Pilot Town is the section of the Hamlet of Concord where many free African-American families have lived in harmony with the white families since around 1765. It was so named for the many black pilots who lived in the area and piloted vessels down the Nanticoke River to Chesapeake Bay. Two of the best […]