The Pilgrim Holiness Church – Milton
“The Pilgrim Holiness Church at Milton was organized in 1925. The church site, on Union St., was purchased on Jan. 26, 1926, from Chas. G. Waples. The church was built immediately and it was dedicated on Easter Sunday, Apr. 11, 1926. The first meeting was held on Sat., Apr. 3, 1926. All day services were […]
Avenue Methodist Church
Photo Gallery: Resources Related to Milford, DE: Text Source:
Milton Theatre
The Fox Theatre, built ca. 1914 and opened in 1919, was an Art Deco movie house featuring silent films and later sound pictures. During World War II, the theater was used for fundraising efforts and sold war bonds and stamps, and collected vinyl records to send to troops. The two-story building has also served as […]
The Holly Industry
2022 Text: Considered the last cash crop of the growing season, the growth of the holly tree resulted in the establishment of a major export industry during the early 20th century in Delaware. By the 1930s, Milton became known as “The Land of Holly,” with Delaware the leading producer and exporter in the nation. Charles […]
Site of Reynold’s Church
SC-222: On October 14, 1869, a group of local residents gathered for the purpose of organizing and electing trustees for a Methodist Protestant church near Reynolds Mills. The following month, land was obtained to serve as a site for a house of worship. Construction was completed in 1870, but the building was destroyed by fire […]
Milton Museum
SC-217: On October 22, 1857, land at this location was conveyed to members of the Methodist Protestant Church. Construction of a house of worship was completed soon thereafter. The congregation consisted largely of persons who were employed in the community’s booming maritime and commercial economy. An expansion and rebuilding project was completed in 1906, with […]
Governor Joseph Maull
Sponsor: The State of Delaware Historical Markers Program, 2023 SC-188: Current Marker Text: Born in Lewes in 1781, Joseph Maull would become a physician and move to Milton by 1803. Appointed to serve as Sussex County Trustee of the Poor in 1810, he would join the State Militia during the War of 1812 and help […]
Governor David Hazzard
SC-176: Born on May 18, 1781, to John and Mary Houston Hazzard, David Hazzard, like his father, engaged in mercantile and agricultural pursuits, going on to serve as local magistrate and an officer in the State Militia during the War of 1812. He was elected Governor of Delaware in 1829. His term was marked by […]
Governor Samuel Paynter
SC-162: A native and lifelong resident of this area, Samuel Paynter was born at Drawbridge on the Broadkill River on August 24, 1768. He was a successful merchant, farmer, and mill-owner, whose prosperity was closely linked to the commerce of the river. Widely respected and known for his outstanding character, he was a member of […]
Goshen United Methodist Church
A local society of Methodists was organized and meeting in this community by the 1790s. The first meetings were held in the homes of its members. On July 7, 1801, the group initiated the subscription of funds to establish a permanent place of worship. The effort was successful, and in January 1802, a parcel of […]