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KC-37. County seat since 1680. William Penn in 1683 ordered Town site laid out and named Dover. Plotted in 1717. Temporary capitol in 1777 and permanent capitol since 1779. Federal Constitution ratified here in 1787, making Delaware first State in Union. State Constitutional Convention held here in 1791-1792, 1831, 1852, and 1897. Location: Between Lynn Haven […]


KC-36. County seat since 1680. William Penn in 1683 ordered Town site laid out and named Dover. Plotted in 1717. Temporary capitol in 1777 and permanent capitol since 1779. Federal Constitution ratified here in 1787, making Delaware first State in Union. State Constitutional Convention held here in 1791-1792, 1831, 1852, and 1897.   Location: Between Division […]

Dagsboro Hundred

SC-61. Named after General John Dagworthy. Prior to 1775 was claimed by Province of Maryland. In 1873 General Assembly created Gumboro Hundred out of southern parts of Dagsboro Hundred and Broad Creek Hundred.   Location: Main St. near Canal St. Dagsboro, DE 19939  

Dagsboro Hundred

SC-56. Named after General John Dagworthy. Prior to 1775 was claimed by Province of Maryland. In 1873 General Assembly created Gumboro Hundred out of southern parts of Dagsboro Hundred and Broad Creek Hundred. Location: On Rd. 26 in Shaft Ox Corner. Between Rd 26 and Rd 413

Dagsboro Hundred

SC-52. Named after General John Dagworthy. Prior to 1775 was claimed by Province of Maryland. In 1873 General Assembly created Gumboro Hundred out of southern parts of Dagsboro Hundred and Broad Creek Hundred.  

Dagsboro Hundred

SC-22. Named after General John Dagworthy. Prior to 1775 was claimed by Province of Maryland. In 1873 General Assembly created Gumboro Hundred out of southern parts of Dagsboro Hundred and Broad Creek Hundred.   Location: US 113 and Frankford Rd. Frankford, DE 19945

Dagsboro Hundred

SC-20. Named after General John Dagworthy. Prior to 1775 was claimed by Province of Maryland. In 1873 General Assembly created Gumboro Hundred out of southern parts of Dagsboro Hundred and Broad Creek Hundred.   Location: US 113 W. side of hwy 4.4. mi. from Georgetown Dagsboro, DE 19939


SC-60. East of town is site of mansion of John Dagworthy, officer British Army in French and Indian War, Brigadier General of Sussex County Militia in American Revolution. Owned tract 20,000 acres called “Dagworthy’s Conquest.” Dagsboro is birthplace of John M. Clayton, Secretary of State under Presidents Taylor and Fillmore.   Location: Dagsboro Frankford Rd. @ […]


SC-21. East of town is site of mansion of John Dagworthy, officer British Army in French and Indian War, Brigadier General of Sussex County Militia in American Revolution. Owned tract 20,000 acres called “Dagworthy’s Conquest.” Dagsboro is birthplace of John M. Clayton, Secretary of State under Presidents Taylor and Fillmore.   Location: US 113 and […]

The Cooch House

Erected 1760 by Thomas Cooch who had come here from England 1746. He was captain in French and Indian War, member of Colonial Assembly, judge of Court of Common Pleas and colonel in American Revolution. House enlarged by his grandson, William Cooch, an incorporator of first Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company, and Major General of […]