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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Historical Markers"

Menhaden Fishing Industry

SC-214: The Atlantic Menhaden is a small herring-like fish found in the coastal waters of the Eastern United States. Used by Native Americans to fertilize crops, these oily fish were also used by European settlers to produce fuel for lamps. In the mid-19th century, technological improvements resulted in more-efficient processing methods and the menhaden fishing […]

Ocean View Presbyterian Church

SC-213: The origin of this congregation can be traced to the late 17th century when this area was settled by people seeking religious freedom and economic opportunity. Many were English Dissenters or persons of Welsh, French, and Scottish descent who subscribed to the Protestant Reformed tradition of worship. For many years they were forced to […]

St. Marks EP Church Milton

SC-210: originally installed in 2006. The first organized services for members of the Protestant Episcopal Church in this community were conducted by Rev. John A. Childs in a local schoolhouse in the mid-1840s. As a result of the declining condition of Prince George’s Chapel in nearby Dagsboro, and in response to the needs of the […]

Chaplain’s Chapel

SC-209: originally installed in 2006.   Methodism came to this area in the late 18th-century when pioneering circuit riders such as Francis Asbury visited local residents to spread the message of their faith. The origin of this congregation can be traced to 1859 when the members of two local Methodist Societies joined together to establish […]

Carey Storehouse

SC-208: originally installed in 2006.   Believed to have been constructed circa 1830 by Joseph Carey, this is the oldest surviving commercial building in Milton. It was one of many such mercantile establishments that were located in the town during the economic boom years of the 19th century that resulted from the expansion of shipbuilding […]

Jospeh Maull Carey

SC-207: originally installed in 2006. Born in Milton on January 19, 1845, he was the son of merchant Robert H. Carey and his wife, Susan. Educated in local schools, he later attended Union College and received his law degree from the University of Pennsylvania. An active supporter of the Republican Party, Carey was appointed by […]

Henry Fisher House

SC-204: originally installed in 2006.   A native and lifelong resident of this community, Henry Fisher (1735-1792) was one of Delaware’s foremost leaders in the struggle for American Independence. His prominence as a skilled pilot and his firm support of the Patriot cause resulted in his appointment by Philadelphia’s Committee of Safety in 1775 to […]

St. Peters Episcopal Church

SC-202: In 1680 the Justices of the County petitioned Governor Edmond Andros for the right to grant lands. Under this authority, a lot of ground at this location was reserved for “public use.” Many of the settlers who came to this area in the late 17th and early 18th centuries were members of the Church […]

Hope Lodge No. 4

SC-202A: originally installed in 2006.   On June 23, 1800, a charter was issued by the Grand Lodge of Maryland for Lodge No. 31 in “Laurel Town.” The first Worshipful Master of the Lodge was Jesse Green (1766-1834). A Maryland native who moved to Delaware in the 1790s, he was a long-time member and leader […]

Town of Millsboro

SC-201: originally installed in 2006. For countless centuries, this was an important meeting place for the Native American residents of the Delmarva Peninsula. In 1792, the state legislature authorized the construction of a mill dam “across the head of the waters of Indian River near a place called Rock Hole” known as “the Indian Landing.” […]