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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Episcopalian"

Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church

NCC-A10: Organized about the year 1769. Early meetings held in Academy Woods, Gilpin’s Wharf, and Thelwell’s School. Church built 1789. Dedicated by Bishop Francis Asbury. Here is buried Allen McLane, Lieutenant in Caesar Rodney’s Regiment 1775; of Dragoons 1777; Leader of charge taking Paulus Hook (Jersey City) 1779; Major in Washington’s Army at Yorktown 1781 […]

Old Christ Church

SC-63: Established on Broad Creek in 1770 as a “Chapel of Ease” of Stepney Parish, Maryland on land purchased by a levy of 80,000 pounds of tobacco. Building completed by Robert Holston in 1772 at a cost of £510. Installed in 1938. Sponsor: Public Archives Commission, 1938 Marker Photo Gallery: Resources Related to Laurel: Find […]