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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Brown v. Board of Education"

Salesianum School

NC-148: Salesianum School, a Catholic high school for young men, stood at 8th and West Streets from its founding in 1903 until its move to this location in 1957. The original “House of Sales” was pioneered by Rev. Charles Fromentin, Rev. James Isenring and Rev. Louis Jacquier, priests in the order of the Oblates of […]

Brown v. Board of Education

NC-138: Delaware remained a racially segregated society until the mid-twentieth century. Though the segregation of public schools was supported by the “separate but equal” doctrine that had been upheld by the nation’s highest court, the facilities and services provided for students were hardly equal. Seeking to address this situation, citizens in the communities of Claymont […]

The Milford School Desegregation Crisis of 1954

In honor of African American History Month, the Delaware Public Archives will present a special program to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education case on Saturday, February 1, 2014, 10:30 a.m.  Following the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in the Brown v. Board of Education in May 1954, Milford High School […]