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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Bishop Francis Asbury"

Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church

NCC-A10: Organized about the year 1769. Early meetings held in Academy Woods, Gilpin’s Wharf, and Thelwell’s School. Church built 1789. Dedicated by Bishop Francis Asbury. Here is buried Allen McLane, Lieutenant in Caesar Rodney’s Regiment 1775; of Dragoons 1777; Leader of charge taking Paulus Hook (Jersey City) 1779; Major in Washington’s Army at Yorktown 1781 […]

Site of Dover’s First Methodist Church

KC-70: In 1778, a Methodist Society was organized in Dover by Reverend Freeborn Garrettson. Desiring a permanent place of worship, members purchased a one-half acre lot at this location from Vincent Loockerman in 1782. Future Delaware Governor Richard Bassett contributed toward the construction of a forty foot square structure, which was named Wesley Chapel. Bishop […]

Home of Judge Thomas White – Refuge of Francis Asbury

Near this site stood the home of Judge Thomas White, member of the Colonial Maryland legislature and Delaware House of Assembly, Chief Justice of the Kent County Court of Common Pleas, and delegate to the Delaware Constitutional Conventions of 1776 and 1791-1792. This was also the boyhood home of his son, Samuel White, U. S. […]