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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "American Methodism"

Wesley United Methodist Church

KC-79: The origin of this congregation can be traced to its establishment as a Methodist Society in Dover in 1778. Land on North Street was obtained in 1782, and a church was completed there in 1784. Bishops Francis Asbury and Richard Whatcoat, pioneers of American Methodism, conducted services at the “rather nice large brick chapel” […]

Barratt’s Chapel

KC-25: Erected on land deeded by Col. Philip Barratt, August, 1780. Here Thomas Coke, D.D. Representative of John Wesley, preached November 14, 1784, administering the Sacrament of Holy Communion for first time by a Methodist in America. With Francis Asbury planned organization of Methodist Episcopal Church, calling first conference to meet at Baltimore, December 24, […]

Site of Whatcoat Church

KC-100: In 1791 Daniel Lowber granted permission for “the society of people called Methodists” to erect a “meeting house” at this location. The site was formally conveyed to church trustees in 1796. Adjoining land was obtained in 1813 for use as a public burying ground. The church was named for Richard Whatcoat (1736-1806), a native […]

Barratt’s Chapel

KC-093: In 1778 a Methodist Society was organized in this area by Freeborn Garrettson. Desiring a permanent place of worship, the group constructed a brick “preaching house” at his location in 1780. The site was provided by Society member Phillip Barratt, and the building was named in his honor. On November 14, 1784, a large […]

Old Union Methodist Church

NCC-117: A log church was built here in 1789 on land donated by Joseph Dickinson. The church was named “Dickinson’s Chapel” in his honor. Francis Asbury and many other pioneers of American Methodism conducted services here. Levi Scott, a native of this area and member of the church, became the first Delawarean to serve as […]