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Makers of the Apollo Moonsuit In 1947 the International Latex Corporation established a specialty products division and chose this site for its location. The company’s rise to prominence as a supplier of aeronautic and aerospace equipment began in 1952 when it was contracted to produce high altitude pressure helmets for the military. By the late 1950s the plant was producing pressure suits and developing prototype helmets for the space program. In 1962 the company was contracted to supply space suits for NASA’s Apollo Lunar Project. On this site, the men and women of ILC designed, developed, and manufactured the suits that protected the brave pioneers who traveled to the Moon. Prior to each flight, astronauts would visit this site to be fitted in their custom sized suits. Among them was Neil Armstrong, who traveled here shortly before becoming the first man to walk on the Moon on July 20, 1969. After more than a quarter century of technological innovation and excellence, the Dover plant was closed in 1975 when ILC consolidated its operations at their Frederica location. The building was leased for many years as a warehouse. Following extensive renovations and improvements, this historic structure was reopened in September 2002 as the Campus Community High School.

Installed in 2004.


The Honorable John C. Still, Delaware State Senate, 2004

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350 Pear Street Dover, DE 19904

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