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Born on May 18, 1781, to John and Mary Houston Hazzard, David Hazzard, like his father, engaged in mercantile and agricultural pursuits, going on to serve as local magistrate and an officer in the State Militia during the War of 1812. He was elected Governor of Delaware in 1829. His term was marked by a period of great growth and change, including a new State Constitution. Following his tenure as Governor, he was elected to the State Senate and appointed as an Associate Justice of the Delaware Superior Court. An active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, he was laid to rest in Milton’s Goshen Cemetery following his death on July 8, 1864.

Installed in 2003. Reinstalled in 2023.


The Honorable V. George Carey, Delaware House of Representatives, 2003

The State of Delaware Historical Markers Program, 2023

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The Governor’s Walk, 100 Magnolia Street, Milton, DE, 19968

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