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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "William B Walton"

Small Manuscript Collections, William B. Walton Collection, Photographs

The Walton family came from Pennsylvania to Delaware in 1854, first to Pencader Hundred, then moving to the Carrcroft area near Wilmington. They were active in farming, commerce, policing, and emergency services. William B. Walton married Betty Ann Walker and had a son (William B. Walton Jr.), two grandsons, and a great-granddaughter. Photographs of the […]

Small Manuscript Collections, William B. Walton Collection

The Walton family came from Pennsylvania to Delaware in 1854, first to Pencader Hundred, then moving to the Carrcroft area near Wilmington. They were active in farming, commerce, policing, and emergency services. William B. Walton married Betty Ann Walker and had a son (William B. Walton Jr.), two grandsons, and a great-granddaughter. The Family Papers […]