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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Presbyterian"

Blackwater Presbyterian Church

Sponsors: The Honorable Shirley Price, Delaware House of Representatives, 2004 SC-190: In the 17th century, the colony of Maryland was founded as a refuge for Catholics and members of other religious faiths then subject to persecution. Many of the early settlers of this region, then a part of Maryland, were Presbyterians who had been denied […]

Duck Creek Presbyterian Church

KC-81: In 1733 a charter was granted to “a dissenting congregation” of Scots and Irish Presbyterians who had settled in this area. A Meeting House was subsequently erected at this location. The Reverend Thomas Evans conducted the first service here on August 12, 1733. The tract, then known as Holy Hill, was formally conveyed to […]

Cool Spring Presbyterian Church

SC-240: Named for the river branch which runs along its northwest edge, Cool Spring Presbyterian Church was established circa 1726. Many of its members were Ulster Scots who had come to America from Ireland seeking religious freedom and economic opportunity. In 1728 an Anglican missionary reported that the Presbyterians “have a minister here of the […]