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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Petitions"

Petitions Luxury Tax, October 1784, page 2

Delaware Public Archives Digital Archive

Petitions New Castle a free port, January 20, 1786, page 2

Delaware Public Archives Digital Archive

Petitions Extending the five pound law, October 5, 1784, page 1

Delaware Public Archives Digital Archive

Petitions Extending the five pound law, October 5, 1784, page 2

Delaware Public Archives Digital Archive

Petitions Extend jurisdiction of the magistrate, October 1784, page 1

Delaware Public Archives Digital Archive

Petitions Extend jurisdiction of the magistrate, October 1784, page 2

Delaware Public Archives Digital Archive

Petitions Revision and publication of the laws of this state, January 1785, page 1

Delaware Public Archives Digital Archive

Petitions Revision and publication of the laws of this state, January 1785, page 2

Delaware Public Archives Digital Archive

Petitions Altering the mode of collecting public taxes, May 31, 1785, page 1

Delaware Public Archives Digital Archive

Petitions Altering the mode of collecting public taxes, May 31, 1785, page 2

Delaware Public Archives Digital Archive