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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Newark Academy"

Newark Academy

NCC-35: Founded at New London, Pennsylvania in 1741 by Rev. Dr. Francis Alison. Removed in 1752 to Cecil County, Maryland and in 1767 to Newark. Chartered by Thomas and Richard Penn 1769. Closed from 1777 to 1780 on account of the Revolutionary War. Merged with New Ark College (now University of Delaware) 1834. Separated from […]


RG #5070   The 1700s – 1849 Settled in the early eighteenth century, Newark was a thriving market town and a stop for travelers between the Chesapeake Bay and Philadelphia when, in 1758, it received a colonial Charter from King George II. In general, the late eighteen and early nineteenth-century development was typical of other […]

Robert Kirkwood, Jr.

NCC-34: Born in 1756, Robert Kirkwood, Jr. spent his youth on the family farm several miles north of Newark. Kirkwood eventually enrolled at the Newark Academy, later to become the University of Delaware. When the American Revolution began, Kirkwood was commissioned first lieutenant in the Delaware Regiment under the command of Colonel John Haslet. He […]