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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "New Castle"

New Castle

RG #5080   The 1600s & 1700s The City of New Castle was claimed by the Swedish, the Dutch and the English at various times during the seventeenth century, but the English would finally prevail and New Castle was part of the territory which was granted to William Penn by King Charles II of England. […]

Lincoln’s Speech

NCC-181: On June 10, 1848, Congressman Abraham Lincoln traveled to Wilmington, Delaware, for the purpose of addressing a meeting of members of the Whig political party. He was accompanied by Delaware Representative John W. Houston and two other members of Congress, who were returning to Washington from the Whig National Convention that had chosen Zachary […]

Old St. Paul’s Church

NCC-147: In 1831, a Methodist Society was organized in this community. The congregation was incorporated as Cantwell’s Bridge Methodist Episcopal Church in 1832. A small meeting house known as “Brickbat Church” was subsequently constructed on land provided by Joseph C. Griffith. Desiring a larger place of worship, construction of the present building was initiated in […]

Landing Place of William Penn

NC-25: Near here October 27, 1682, William Penn first stepped on American soil. He proceeded to the fort and performed Livery of Seisin. “He took the key, thereof,. . . . We did deliver unto him 1 turf with a twig upon it, a porringer with river water and soyle, in part of all”. Installed […]

Fort Casimir

NCC-23: One hundred feet to the east of this point is site of Fort Casimir. Erected by Dutch 1651. Taken by Swedes 1654, called Fort Trafaldigheets or Trinity, retaken by Dutch under Petrus Stuyvesant in person September 11, 1655. Installed in 1932. Sponsors: Historic Markers Commission, 1932 Marker Photo Gallery: Resources Related to New Castle, […]

New Castle County Rural Police

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New Castle County Department of Finance

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New Castle County Council

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New Castle County Department of Elections 2

Delaware Public Archives