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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Nanticoke Indian Association"

Indian Mission School

The Nanticoke Indian Tribe established Indian Mission School on this site in the 1920s. Tribal members built and operated a one-room school to educate Nanticoke students in grades 1-8. In 1948, the original wood-framed structure burned in a fire and was replaced with a stuccoed masonry building. Students continued attending the school through the 1961-1962 […]

Coursey-Daisey Nanticoke Burial Ground

Located within this neighborhood, a short distance south of here is the burial ground for the Coursey and Daisey families, members of the Nanticoke Indian Tribe. The gravesite is unmarked except for a family tombstone noting the site. It was once part of the land originally owned by Mills Coursey since 1853. Interred in the […]