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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Middletown"

St. Joseph’s Church, Roman Catholic

“St. Joseph’s Church, R. C., at Middletown. In 1879, the Rev. Charles H. Heichemere, S.J., the pastor of old Bohemia Church in Maryland, began to celebrate Mass in the auditorium of the Old Town Hall in Middletown. He would drive over on alternate Sundays bringing his altar boy with him. At that time, there were […]

Louis L. Redding Comprehensive High School

The Louis L. Redding Comprehensive High School opened in 1953 and served African American students in grades 1-12 in the Middletown area. It replaced the smaller Middletown School 120-C, a three-room wood structure on East Lake Street. The school was named in honor of Delaware’s first African American lawyer, Louis L. Redding, who was known […]

Commodore Thomas MacDonough

Early home of Commodore Thomas Macdonough. Hero of Battle of Lake Champlain 1814. Born in 1783. Died 1825. Commodore 1813. Assisted Commodore Decatur in capturing and burning the “Philadelphia” off the coast of Tripoli, 1804. Original name of the village “The Trap” and changed to “Macdonough” in 1814. His parents lie in old burying ground […]

Union Lodge No. 5, A.F. & A. M.

NC-214: Chartered on June 24, 1765 by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania A.Y.M., Lodge No. 5 at Cantwell’s Bridge (later known as Odessa) became the first Masonic lodge established in Delaware. The lodge was admitted to membership under the Grand Lodge of Delaware in January, 1816. Lodge No. 5 moved to Middletown in 1822 and […]


Beginning in the 1690s, settler Adam Peterson and his family acquired several tracts of land here. One tract, surveyed in 1733, was given the name “Middletown.” The origin of the name is believed to derive from the area’s location at the middle point of a road that led from the head of the Bohemia River […]


RG# 5060   The name Middletown first appears in a 1678 warrant for land patented to Adam Peterson. Near this tract was the intersection of Augustine Herman’s Bohemia Cart Road and the Upper King’s Road, the post road between Philadelphia and Virginia. This road crossing was midway between navigable waters of the Bohemia River and […]

Middletown Photograph Exhibit

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