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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Lord Baltimore"

Baltimore Hundred

SC-23: Prior to 1775 this hundred was claimed as part of Worcester County, Maryland, being named for Lord Baltimore. After boundary line between Maryland and Delaware was confirmed, Baltimore Hundred became part of Sussex County, Delaware. Installed in 1932. Reinstalled in 1989. Sponsor: Historic Markers Commission, 1932 Marker Photo Gallery: Resources Related to Dagsboro: Location: […]

Talbot’s Fort

NCC-A12: Colonel George Talbot, cousin of Lord Baltimore, in defiance of William Penn’s claim to Delaware, erected a fort nearby, 1684, on land of the Widow Ogle. Talbot dispossessed settlers between here and Iron Hill who refused to acknowledge Baltimore as proprietor. Fort garrisoned about two years boundary settled by agreement, 1760; Surveyed by Mason […]