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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Friends of the Delaware Archives"

Small Manuscript Collections, Jacqueline Ford Skinner Collection, Documents

Jacqueline Ford Skinner was born on March 9, 1930, to parents Willard and Margaret Ford. She married Albert Skinner on April 18, 1953. Together they had three children. She is recognized for her lobbying efforts to expand the State Archives. Jacqueline was a founding member of START (Save Today’s Archives, Restore Tomorrow) History Committee. During […]

The Wilmington Railway Collection

The Abram H. Draper Collection

Friends of the Delaware Archives

The Friends of the Delaware Archives, (F.O.D.A.) was formed in 1995 as a private, non-profit organization to support the Delaware Public Archives.  What does The Friends of the Delaware Archives do?   F.O.D.A. provides citizens with a collective voice for preserving records F.O.D.A. works to ensure appropriate access to these archival records F.O.D.A. solicits donations to […]