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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Fort Delaware"

Fort DuPont

This fort was originally established in 1863 as the Ten Gun Battery opposite Fort Delaware. In 1897 construction began on concrete gun batteries armed with long-range rifles, rapid-fire rifles and mortars. The fort was renamed in honor of Rear Admiral Samuel F. DuPont, U.S. Navy, for his distinguished service in 1899. During World War II […]

Delaware City Old Public School

NCC-178: Delaware City was founded in 1826, in anticipation of the opening of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. The town was incorporated in 1851. The benefits of proximity to the canal resulted in a sustained period of prosperity and expansion of the community. By the 1880s, the need for new educational facilities to serve a […]

Haunted Delaware

Do you ever watch the show Ghost Hunters?  It’s gotten to be a pretty big thing.  We had a group of high school students come in the other day that are big fans of the show and wanted to know if Delaware had any haunted places.  Of course we do! There are numerous stories of […]