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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Duck Creek Hundred"

Duck Creek Hundred

KC-003: Originally embraced all lands south of Duck Creek and north of Leipsic Creek from Delaware River to Maryland line. In 1869 western half of hundred was detached and joined to western half of Little Creek Hundred to form Kenton Hundred. Installed in 1932. Sponsors: Historic Markers Commission, 1932. Status: Under Review. Marker Photo Gallery: […]

Duck Creek Hundred

KC-1: Originally embraced all lands south of Duck Creek and north of Leipsic Creek from Delaware River to Maryland line. In 1869 western half of hundred was detached and joined to western half of Little Creek Hundred to form Kenton Hundred. Installed in 1932. Replaced in 2022 Sponsors: Installed by the Historic Markers Commission Marker […]

Little Creek Hundred

KC-4: Originally embraced all lands south of Leipsic Creek and north of Little Creek from Delaware River to Maryland line. In 1869 western half of hundred was detached and joined to western half of Duck Creek Hundred to form Kenton Hundred. Installed in 1932. Reinstalled in 1966. Sponsor: Historic Markers Commission, 1932. Public Archives Commission, […]

Sgt. John B. Maberry

KC-78: Born December 17, 1841, John B. Maberry was the son of John and Temperance Brockson Maberry of Duck Creek Hundred. Responding to the call of his country, he enlisted in the Union Army’s Company F, First Regiment, Delaware Infantry Volunteers, in August 1861. Actively engaged in many of the major campaigns of the war, […]