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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Continental Congress"

John Dickinson 1732-1808

NCC-A4: Nearby is grave of John Dickinson, Lawyer, Scholar, and Statesman. Member Colonial Assemblies of Delaware and Pennsylvania and Legislative council of Delaware State. Delegate from Pennsylvania to Stamp Act Congress. Representative in Continental Congress from Pennsylvania and Delaware, and President of both states. Signer for Delaware of Articles of Confederation. Member from Delaware and […]

Home of John Dickinson

KC-33: “The Penman of the Revolution.” Member of Delaware Colonial and State Assemblies. Member of Continental Congress, Annapolis Convention, and Philadelphia Federal Constitutional Convention. Signer for Delaware of Articles of Confederation and Federal Constitution. Governor of Delaware and President Second Delaware Constitutional Convention. Born Maryland 1732; died Wilmington, 1808. Installed in 1939. Sponsors: Public Archives […]

The Delaware Continentals

NCC-161: On December 9, 1775, the Continental Congress resolved that a body of troops be raised in Delaware “for the defense of American Liberty.” Commanded by Colonel John Haslet, the Delaware Regiment consisted of more than 500 battle-ready troops when they marched northward to join the Continental Army in August 1776. After expiration of enlistments […]

Gunning Bedford, Jr.

1747-1812. Member of Continental Congress and of Annapolis Convention. A framer of United States Constitution, which Delaware was first to ratify. Appointed first District Judge of Delaware by President Washington. Purchased this property 1793 as country home, naming it “Lombardy”. Buried at Tenth and Market Streets, Wilmington. Reinterred 1921 at Masonic Home. NC-6. Installed in […]

Nathaniel Mitchell (1752-1813)

This Federalist served as the governor of Delaware between 1805-1808. He was born in Laurel in 1752, attended Old Christ Church, and is buried in this churchyard. Mitchell was commissioned as adjutant of militia 1775, promoted captain in 1776, and appointed brigade major in 1779. He was a delegate to the Continental Congress between 1786-1788 […]

Caesar Rodney

Born on October 7, 1728, on a farm east of Dover, Caesar Rodney was one of Delaware’s most distinguished statesmen. Entering public life at an early age, Rodney held numerous local offices. He was a member of the Colonial State Assembly, and a delegate to the Stamp Act Congress. From 1774 through 1776 he was […]