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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Constitutional Convention"

Belmont Hall

KC-32: Built on tract of land called “Pearman’s Choice”. Home of Thomas Collins, Brigadier General of Kent County Militia during Revolution and Governor of Delaware (1786-1789) who called State Convention in Dover which on December 7, 1787, was first to ratify the Federal Constitution, thus making Delaware the First State. Installed in 1939. Sponsors: Historic […]

John Dickinson 1732-1808

NCC-A4: Nearby is grave of John Dickinson, Lawyer, Scholar, and Statesman. Member Colonial Assemblies of Delaware and Pennsylvania and Legislative council of Delaware State. Delegate from Pennsylvania to Stamp Act Congress. Representative in Continental Congress from Pennsylvania and Delaware, and President of both states. Signer for Delaware of Articles of Confederation. Member from Delaware and […]


KC-38: County seat since 1680. William Penn, in 1683, ordered town site laid out and named Dover. Plotted in 1717. Temporary capital in 1777 and permanent capital since 1779. Federal Constitution ratified here in 1787, making Delaware first State in Union. State Constitutional Conventions held here in 1791-1792, 1831, 1852, and 1897. Installed in 1940. […]


KC-34: County seat since 1680. William Penn, in 1683, ordered townsite laid out and named Dover. Plotted in 1717. Temporary capital in 1777 and permanent capital since 1779. Federal Constitution ratified here in 1787, making Delaware first State in Union. State Constitutional Conventions held here in 1791-1792, 1831, 1852, and 1897. Installed in 1940. Sponsors: […]

Home of John Dickinson

KC-33: “The Penman of the Revolution.” Member of Delaware Colonial and State Assemblies. Member of Continental Congress, Annapolis Convention, and Philadelphia Federal Constitutional Convention. Signer for Delaware of Articles of Confederation and Federal Constitution. Governor of Delaware and President Second Delaware Constitutional Convention. Born Maryland 1732; died Wilmington, 1808. Installed in 1939. Sponsors: Public Archives […]

Ridgely House (Built 1728)

KC-A4: Dr. Charles Greenbury Ridgely: Member Colonial and State Legislative Assemblies; Delegate First State Constitutional Convention 1776. Nicholas Ridgely (the younger): Member of Convention that ratified Federal Constitution 1787; Delegate Second State Constitutional Convention 1791-1792; Attorney General 1791-1801; Chancellor of Delaware 1801-1830. Henry Moore Ridgely: Three times Secretary of State of Delaware; Representative in Congress […]


KC-35: County seat since 1680. William Penn, in 1683, ordered town site laid out and named Dover. Plotted in 1717. Temporary capital in 1777 and permanent capital since 1779. Federal Constitution ratified here in 1787, making Delaware first State in Union. State Constitutional Conventions held here in 1791-1792, 1831, 1852, and 1897. Installed in 1966. […]