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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Battle of Brandywine"

Washington’s Earthworks

NCC-33: From September 4-9, 1777, approximately 11,000 men under the command of General George Washington encamped on the grounds of what later became Delcastle Technical High School. The American army occupied a strong defensive position on the east side of Red Clay Creek between Newport, Stanton, and Marshallton, and blocked the British army’s route to […]

Joseph Tatnall House

NCC-A2: Built about 1760. Anthony Wayne’s headquarters 1777. Generals Washington, Lafayette, Wayne and other officers met here to hold council and hear reports prior to Battle of Brandywine. Later occupied by British. Joseph Tatnall owned and operated original flour mills on the Brandywine, and supplied flour to Continental Army. Installed in 1932. Sponsors: Historic Markers […]

Robert Kirkwood, Jr.

NCC-34: Born in 1756, Robert Kirkwood, Jr. spent his youth on the family farm several miles north of Newark. Kirkwood eventually enrolled at the Newark Academy, later to become the University of Delaware. When the American Revolution began, Kirkwood was commissioned first lieutenant in the Delaware Regiment under the command of Colonel John Haslet. He […]