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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "Baseball"

The Home of William Julius “Judy” Johnson

Sponsor: The Honorable Robert “Bob” F. Gilligan, Delaware House of Representatives, 1995 NCC-95: In 1975, William Julius “Judy” Johnson became the first Delawarean elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame. During his career, 1921 through 1936, Johnson was considered the best third baseman in the Negro Leagues. In 1935, Johnson served as captain of […]

Old Newspapers on Microfilm

Old Newspapers on Microfilm The other day when a mother stopped in before her son’s all-star game.   Her son was playing in his second tournament. Last year was such a whirlwind she really didn’t have much time to think about it. So this year she wanted to take some time and learn more about Delaware […]

Play Ball! Baseball at the Archives

It’s that time of year: the crack of a bat, the smell of hot dogs, and screaming parents.  Yeah, it’s baseball season!  Whether it’s little league, school, or professional, Delaware has plenty of action for you.  Did you know you can see how baseball has evolved in Delaware here at the Archives?  We have photographs […]

Great Response to the Judy Johnson Program

More than 25 people came out on Saturday, Feb. 20, for the Judy Johnson program at the Archives.  Not only did the speaker, Ellen Rendle, do a great job of presenting information about Johnson’s life and career, but numerous individuals who knew Mr. Johnson came forward to talk about their remembrances.  Several persons noted that Johnson was always willing […]

The Life and Times of William Julius “Judy” Johnson

Learn about The Life and Times of William Julius “Judy” Johnson at the Archives! With the recent dismantling of the Eagles, many sports fans in the area may be looking forward to the promise of the upcoming season for the Phillies or whatever baseball team you may support. The Delaware Public Archives will help put you in the baseball frame of […]