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 Posts & Pages Tagged With: "American Revolution"

Colonial Contagion: Smallpox and the American Revolution

On Saturday, August 4, at 10:30 a.m., the Delaware Public Archives will host a program about the role of smallpox during the American Revolution. While the War for Independence raged throughout America, the smallpox epidemic was a major issue for both soldiers and civilians. In this program, Dr. Stephanie Holyfield will discuss the impact of […]

Guide to Revolutionary War Records

Delaware Public Archives

Delaware American Revolution Bicentennial Commission

Delaware Public Archives

Sons of the American Revolution Make Major Donation to the Archives

On August 7, the Delaware Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (DESSAR) donated to the Delaware Public Archives seven hundred completed applications for membership to their organization which preserve records related to the events leading up to and during the American Revolution. Delaware Public Archives Director Stephen M. Marz added, “This will be […]