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This Commission was created in 1909 to provide for the erection and equipment of a fireproof State Administration and Library Building in Dover and for alterations to the State House.1
The Commission consisted of nine members and was authorized to construct and complete a fireproof State Administration and Library Building and to make alterations to the State House of sufficient capacity to supply the needs of State offices and departments and the State Library.2
Duties of the Commission included the erection and completion of a fireproof Administration and Library Building upon a location in the town of Dover selected by the Commission, the equipping of the buildings with necessary fixtures for heating, lighting, and furnishing, and the destruction and removal of any building occupying the site selected for the new building, excepting the State House.3
The Commission was to employ an architect, have the necessary drawings and specifications prepared, and let contracts for the execution of work.4
The total estimated cost for the construction, building, and alterations to the buildings, including all fees, commissions, salaries and expenses of all counsellors, attorneys, engineers, experts, architects, superintendents, clerks and other employees, was not to exceed the sum of sixty-two thousand five hundred dollars.5
To supply the necessary funds, the State Treasurer, as the Sink Fund Commissioner, was authorized to transfer the appropriated sum from the sinking fund to the general fund, and in turn the State Treasurer was authorized to pay the same as necessary to carry out those provisions. This act was approved on April 5, 1909.6
On April 13, 1911 the Commission was extended in order to finish the duties imposed upon it in 1909, but had not yet been completed.7

At this time, the “buildings” were the State House, which was extended, and the addition for the Supreme Court. Originally, plans were to tear down the State House and rebuild it but the decision was made to save it and make additions to the State House.

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1 25 D.L., ch. 3, 1909, p. 6.

2 Ibid.

3 Ibid.

4 Ibid.

5 Ibid., pg. 7.

6 Ibid.

7 26 D.L., ch. 289, 1911.
clf/June 2, 1988; July 26, 1988; January 3, 1989