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“First Seventh Day Adventist Church. This church was organized on July 30, 1892. Their first meeting place was in the Red Men’s Hall where they met from Sept. 25, 1892, until December, 1902. They then met in Eden Hall. for nine months and in September, 1903, they rented the Baptist Church at 1008 King St., where they met until 1914. They had purchased a lot on Howland St., west of Clayton St., on Sept. 18, 1902. In 1914, they proceeded to erect a brick church on this site and they moved in during that year. The complexion of this neighborhood having changed, they sold the church to Manitoo Tribe of the Red Men on June 26, 1924. For the next two years they met in the First United Presbyterian Church and in the Swedish Methodist Church. They purchased the dwelling at the northeast corner of Eleventh and Adams Sts., on Jan. 13, 1926, and held their first meeting in their new home on Sept. 4, 1926. The church was dedicated on Sept. 15, 1945. The speakers included Elders F. H. Robbins, C. V. Leach and Horace E. Walsh, the pastor, who read a history of the church.” (1)

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Text Source:

1. Frank R. Zebley, The Churches of Delaware, Wilmington, Delaware, 1947, p. 98.

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