Photo of Governor Minner

Executive Orders issued by Ruth Ann Minner during her two terms as Governor of Delaware from January 3, 2001 – January 20, 2009

First Term: January 3, 2001 - January 17, 2005

Ordering the Recess Appointment of Cabinet Members
January 3, 2001

Creating the Governor’s Information Task Force
January 4, 2001

Creating the Strategic Economic Council
January 5, 2001

Ordering the continuation of the Judicial Nominating Commission &amp appointing new members

Recommissioning the Delaware Economic & Financial Advisory Council & naming new chair

Creating the Governor’s Foster Care Task Force
January 11, 2001

Directing Child Safety as First Priority of DSCYF
January 11, 2001

Setting ethical standards for financial disclosures for senior state officials
January 11, 2001

Setting ethical standards for financial disclosures for senior state officials
January 11, 2001

Creating the Electronic Government Steering Committee
January 22, 2001

Creating the Electronic Government Steering Committee
January 22, 2001

Establishing new equal opportunity hiring standards for Delaware government
January 30, 2001

Ordering the continuance of the Violence Against Women Act Committee
February 1, 2001

Amending Executive Order No. 3
January 5, 2001

Requiring Crosscheck of Concealed Weapon Permits and Convicted Felons List
February 14, 2001

Regarding Gov. Minner’s “Livable Delaware” Agenda
March 28, 201

Amending Executive Order No. 3
April 19, 2001

Amending Executive Order No. 4
April 27, 2001

Establishing the Department of Education Review Committee
May 7, 2001

Creating the Delaware Spatial Data I-Team
July 19, 2001

Directing an investigation into the workplace climate at the State Police, and mandating full compliance to any state investigations of the State Police
August 17, 2001

Establishing Guidelines and Procedures for a Single,
Combined State Employee Charitable Annual Campaign
September 13, 2001

Establishing the Early Care and Education Council
October 18, 2001

Regarding Building Safety
October 19, 2001

Establishes the Governor’s Public Works and Procurement Opportunity Council and Sets Standards for Contracting by State Sgencies
December 10, 2001

December 24, 2001, Holiday
December 19, 2001

Regarding the Reallocation of State Private Activity Bond Volume Cap for Calendar Year 2001 and Initial Suballocation of State Private Activity Bond Cap for Calendar Year 2002
December 21, 2001

Recognizes Statewide Responsibility Of The Delaware Mentoring Council
January 10, 2002

Reallocating State Private Activity Bond Cap For Calendar Year 2001 And Initial Suballocation Of State Private Activity Bond Cap Volume For Calendar Year 2002 And Recission Of Executive Order No. 25
February 7, 2002

Acknowledges The State Of Delaware Can Do More To Address Child Poverty
February 13, 2002

Declares A Statewide Drought Warning
March 5, 2002

Reestablishes The Statewide Labor-Management Committee
March 28, 2002

Creating the Delaware Energy Task Force
April 26, 2002

Announcing Mandatory Water Conservation Measures
August 2, 2002

Amending Executive Order No. 32 Concerning Mandatory Water Conservation Measures
August 15, 2002

Terminating Drought Emergency
October 11, 2002

Recognizing And Reconstituting The Governor’s Task Force On School Libraries
January 15, 2003

Reallocation Of State Private Activity Bond Volume Cap For Calendar Year 2002 And Initial Suballocation Of State Private Activity Bond Volume Cap For Calendar Year 2003
January 29, 2003

Terminating Drought Warning
January 29, 2003

Establishing The State Of Delaware As A Disaster Resilient State Through A Comprehensive Mitigation Program Against Natural And Technological Hazards
February 28, 2003

Creating Task Force On Responsible Management Of Facilities Handling Hazardous Products
February 28, 2003

Continuing and Reorganizing the Interagency Council on Adult Literacy
March 27, 2003

Revised Reallocation of State Private Activity Bond Volume Cap for Calendar Year 2002 and Initial Suballocation of State Private Activity Bond Volume Cap for Calendar Year 2003
March 27, 2003

Creating the Task Force on Financial Options for the City of Wilmington
March 31, 2003

Authorizing the Establishment of a Special Fund to Assist Delaware Reservists Ordered to Active Duty for Any Mobilization of Any Duration Who Have Suffered Serious Financial Harm as a Result of Mobilization
April 4, 2003

Creating Principles For Responsible Industry In Delaware
May 20, 2003

Amending Executive Order Number Twenty Regarding The State Employees’ Charitable Campaign
May 28, 2003

Creating the Delaware Homeland Security Council
July 22, 2003

Establishing The Delaware P-20 Council
August 28, 2003

Amending Executive Order Number Eleven
September 4, 2003

Creating The Community Notification Working Group
September 4, 2003

Creating The Governor’s Commission On Community-Based Alternatives For Individuals With Disabilities
September 22, 2003

Declaring December 26, 2003 A Holiday
November 22, 2003

Expanding Bidding Competition For State-Funded Purchases
December 18, 2003

Executive Reallocation Of State Private Activity Bond Volume Cap For Calendar Year 2003 And Initial Suballocation Of State Private Activity Bond Volume Cap For Calendar Year 2004
February 6, 2004

Creating Review Panels For School Assessments And Performance Standards
April 8, 2004

Creating The First State Historical Park Task Force
April 22, 2004

Establishing The Infant Mortality Task Force
June 2, 2004

Declaring Friday, June 11, 2004 A Legal Holiday In Remembrance Of Former President Reagan
June 8, 2004

Reestablishing The Juvenile Justice Advisory Group
June 19, 2004

The Strategies For State Policies And Spending
September 23, 2004

Creating A Task Force On Security Issues At The Delaware Correctional Center
October 6, 2004

Regarding Green Infrastructure
October 28, 2004

Establishing A Task Force On Surface Water Management
December 17, 2004

Amending Executive Order Number Forty Nine
December 20, 2004

Second Term Term: January 18, 2005 - January 19, 2009

Executive Order Number Sixty-Four Reallocation Of State Private Activity Bond Volume Cap For Calendar Year 2004 And Initial Suballocation Of State Private Activity Bond Volume Cap For Calendar Year 2005
February 7, 2005

Creating The Interagency Council On Homelessness For The State Of Delaware
March 8, 2005

Establishing the Veterans Home Oversight Committee
March 22, 2005

Executive Order Number Sixty-Seven Establishing A Retirement Benefit Study Committee
May 2, 2005

Executive Order Number Sixty-Eight Establishing The Health Disparities Task Force
May 24, 2005

Establishing A Committee To Recommend Options For Providing Additional Funding To, And Accelerating The Construction Of, Needed Improvements Overseen By The Delaware Department Of Transportation
June 1, 2005

Regarding State Employees and the Right to Organization and Effective Union Representation
July 7, 2005

Directing The Delaware Emergency Management Agency To Organize Volunteers For Response Efforts Involving Hurricane Katrina And Its Aftermath
September 6, 2005

Declaring A State Of Emergency Due To Hurricane Katrina And Its Aftermath
September 20, 2005

Establishing A Delaware Healthy Mother And Infant Consortium
September 20, 2005

Directing the Delaware Emergency Management Agency to Organize Volunteers for Response Efforts Involving Hurricane Rita and Its Aftermath
September 29, 2005

Establishing the Governor’s Mentoring Initiative
September 30, 2005

Regarding Management of Labor Relations and Administrative Proceedings in State Government
November 8, 2005

State Employee Obligations And Compensation During Severe Weather Conditions And Emergencies
January 3, 2006

Implementation Of Financial Management Measures For The Department Of Transportation And The Transportation Trust Fund
January 9, 2006

Establishing A Governance Structure For The Delaware Veterans’ Home
January 19, 2006

Reallocation Of State Private Activity Bond Volume Cap For Calendar Year 2005 And Initial Suballocation Of State Private Activity Bond Volume Cap For Calendar Year 2006
January 23, 2006

Continuing Equal Opportunity Hiring Standards And Practices For Delaware Government
February 1, 2006

Implementing Strategies To Address Energy Restructuring
February 6, 2006

Creating an Advisory Council on Walkability and Pedestrian Awareness
March 9, 2006

Creating A Task Force To Study Licensed Speech/Language Pathologists
April 13, 2006

Creating The Delaware Redevelopment Authority
April 13, 2006

Amending Executive Order Number Eighty-One
May 2, 2006

Establishing The State Employees’ Charitable Campaign
May 24, 2006

Recognizing And Establishing The Delaware Science And Technology Council
June 20, 2006

Creating The Governor’s Consortium On Hispanic Issues
August 17, 2006

Re-Establishing The Recycling Public Advisory Council
September 6, 2006

Amending Executive Order Number 84
November 6, 2006

Authorizing The Establishment Of A Special Fund To Assist Any Delaware National Guard Member Or Delaware Based Reservist Who May Be Ordered To Active Duty Or State Active Duty For Any Mobilization Of Any Duration Who Suffer Serious Financial Hardships, As A Result Of Mobilization
November 14, 2006

Amendment To Executive Order Number Eighty-Eight Regarding The Delaware Science And Technology Council
December 8, 2006

Declaring Tuesday, January 2, 2007, A Legal Holiday In Remembrance Of Former President Gerald R. Ford
December 29, 2006

Ordering A Cost, Benefit, And Policy Analysis Of The Implementation Of Toll Facility Bonding For The Completion Of A Tolled Highway For U.S. Route 301 By The Department Of Transportation
January 25, 2007

Reallocation Of State Private Activity Bond Volume Cap For Calendar Year 2006 And Initial Suballocation Of State Private Activity Bond Volume Cap For Calendar Year 2007
February 1, 2007

Creating The Enhanced Public Access Technology Task Force
March 24, 2007

Establishing The Leadership For Education Achievement In Delaware Committee
June 6, 2007

Study By The State Fire Prevention Commission Regarding Audits Of Volunteer Fire Companies
June 30, 2007

Creating A Task Force To Examine Opportunites For Continued Improvement At The Delaware Psychiatric Center
August 22, 2007

Establishing The Child Poverty Task Force
August 29, 2007

Creating The Delaware Information Assurance Task Force
September 20, 2007

Declaring Drought Watch
October 20, 2007

Establishment Of The Statewide Interoperability Executive Council
November 21, 2007

Amendment To Executive Order Number One Hundred Two
December 13, 2007

Reallocation Of State Private Activity Bond Volume Cap For Calendar Year 2007 And Initial Suballocation Of State Private Activity Bond Volume Cap For Calendar Year 2008
February 1, 2008

Terminating Drought Watch
April 23, 2008

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Flag
May 7, 2008

Amendment To Executive Order Number One Hundred One Which Established The Child Poverty Task Force
August 29, 2008

Initial Allocation Of Additional State Private Activity Bond Volume Cap For Calendar Year 2008

Declaring December 26, 2008 A Holiday

* Reproduction from the original text.