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As part of the institution of the cabinet from the state government in 1969 – 1970, the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control was created. The chief administrator of the department , the secretary, was responsible for appointing personnel, establishing facilities, and issuing directives, as well as directing and supervising the activities of the Department, which consisted of the following divisions, each with its own director:1
Division of Fish and Wildlife
Division of Parks, Recreation, and Forestry
Division of Soil and Water Conservation
Division of Environmental Control
The Division of Fish and Wildlife assumed the duties of the former Board of Game and Fish Commissioners, the Delaware Commission on Shell Fisheries and the Atlantic State Marine Fisheries Commission.2 The membership of the Board of Game and Fish Commissioners (seven members) was continued as the Council on Game and Fish. The membership of the Commission Shell Fisheries was continued as the Council on shell Fisheries. Both of the councils serve in an advisory capacity to the Division’s Director. 4
The Division of Parks, Recreation, and Forestry assumed the duties of the State Park Commission, the State Forestry Department Forestry Commission, and the Recreation Advisory Council. The membership of the State Park Commission was continued as the council on Forestry. The Recreation Advisory Council was reestablished with the same membership. All the new councils serve in an advisory capacity to The Division’s director. 5
The Division of Soil and Water Conservation assumed the duties of the Soil and Water Conservation Commission and the Board of Ditch Commissioners. The membership of the Soil and Water Conservation Commission was continued as the Council on Soil and Water Conservation, which serves in advisory capacity to the division director. 6
The Division of Environmental Control assumed the duties of the Delaware Water and Air Resources Commission and the Delaware River Basin Commission. The membership of the Air and Water Resources Commission was continued as the Council on Environmental Control, which serves in an advisory capacity to the Division Director. 7
Also created was the Governor’s Council on Natural Resources and Environmental Control, composed of all chairmen of the aforementioned advisory councils, which serves in an advisory capacity to the governor. 8
The Secretary is permitted to administer grant Moines for water pollution projects, and can also grant any variances necessary to more easily facilitate such projects. 9 An Environmental Appeals Board was created in 1973 to mediate any disagreements resulting from decisions of the secretary. The seven members of this board were continuing members of the council on Environmental Control. 10
In 1974, all responsibility for matters relating to forestry , and specifically the Council on Forestry , were transferred to the Department of Agriculture.11 An Office of Environmental Protection was created that same year , utilizing environmental protection officers to enforce the laws and regulations of the Department. 12 Effective in 1982, park managers were given the same powers as the environmental protection officers. 13

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The Division of Environmental Control, in 1986, was split into a Division of Air and Waste Management and a Division of Water Resources. 14
As of 1986 the Department with its administrative office of the Secretary, is organized as follows :
Division of Fish and Wildlife
– Fisheries Section
– Wildlife Section
– Mosquito Control Section
– Enforcement Section
Division of Parks and Recreation
– Parks Section
– Recreational Section
– Technical Services Section
Division of Soil and Water Conservation
– Drainage Section
– Beach Preservation Section
– Dredge Operations
– Conservation District Operations
Division of Water Resources
– Technical Service Section
– Planning Support Section
– Surface Water Management Section
– Ground Water Management Section

Division of Air and Waste Management
– Air Resources Section
– Waste Management Section

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1. 57 D.L. , ch. 302.

2. Ibid.

3. 63 D.L. , ch. 316.

4. 57 D.L. , ch. 302.

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid.

7. Ibid

8. Ibid.

9. 58 D.L. , ch. 76.

10. 59 D.L. , ch. 212.

11. 59 D.L. , ch. 372.

12. 59 D.L. , ch. 526.

13. 63 D.L. , ch. 436.

14. 65 D.L. , ch. 431.


jrf ; March 27, 1989