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On October 22, 1857, land at this location was conveyed to members of the Methodist Protestant Church. Construction of a house of worship was completed soon thereafter. The congregation consisted largely of persons who were employed in the community’s booming maritime and commercial economy. An expansion and rebuilding project was completed in 1906, with improvements including the addition of the present stained glass windows. The name “Grace Methodist Church” was adopted in 1940 following the merger of the Methodist Episcopal and Methodist Protestant denominations. Services here were discontinued in 1962. The property was sold to the Milton Historical Society in 1971, and the building was formally named the Lydia Black Cannon Museum to honor the person who had facilitated its purchase. In 2004, the rapidly deteriorating condition of this historic structure resulted in an urgent campaign to raise funds for its preservation. The hard work of concerned citizens and outpouring of support for the effort led to the renovation of the old sanctuary and construction of much-needed new space. The Milton Museum was reopened in 2006.

Installed in 2007.


The Honorable V. George Carey, Delaware House of Representatives, 2007.

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210 Union Street, Milton, DE 19968

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